Chapter 40

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Jaehyun was walking to basketball room and then he heard girl voice behind the wall

It's sound familiar it was haein

" yah why did you wait here" lara ask

" im waiting for jaehyun of course" haein said

" you're so funny you don't love him right i mean all you want was his popularity and his body" jinsol said

" yah! don't said out loud what if he come" haein shuh them

" so what about Jieun already done?" jinsol ask again

" well yes my planned was successful jaehyun doesn't even look at her they don't have any conversations plus i don't like jaehyun friends so annoying you know" haein said

" ohmygod they are handsome okay" lara said

" so all you do was act huh?" jaehyun appears in their conversations all of them was very shocked

" j-jaehyun i don't mean that" haein denied

" well i don't like you too actually i hate you for leaving me why even i am cry back then such a waste, stop all this haein wake up people gonna hate you more if they know this" jaehyun said and pointed to haein

" j-jaehyun no im sor—" haein words got cut

" you didn't even mean it, you just said it after this we are nothing even a friends you fool me and hurt yourself and said it was Jieun who did it im such a fool" jaehyun said in frust

" i-i will apologise to Jieun please comeback to me after that" haein begging

" stop! i said i don't like you okay stop just stop don't even appear infront of me again we are nothing even a friends i said this again to remind you" jaehyun said in mad tone

Haein feel herself bad when jaehyun said it like that, she starts crying but jaehyun didn't even care and enter the basketball room without looking back

nct team starts to warm up at basketball field and starts to play it
( uh i don't know that much about basketball )

" okay rest!" taeyong said and they all go sit and drink a water

some of their fangirl look from far and giggling how good looking they are

all of them ignore too lazy too do fan service heh

Jieun was walking at valley beside basketball field with myungsoo and suddenly myungsoo said something

" HI!!" myungsoo wave at them you look at who myungsoo wave but then it was them nct

" yah yah they are tired let's go" you drag myungsoo but guess what haechan was more faster

haechan drag both of you and you stare at myungsoo who smiled like stupid, haechan suddenly hug you tightly

" heoll you are sweating get off" you push haechan

you saw jaehyun but you just ignore him, jaehyun stand up and come towards you he hug you

you were froze by his actions the members went " oooohhh"

he knows i will froze like this and do nothing, after a second jaehyun let go the hug and stare at you

" wanna lunch together?" mark ask

" no its oka—" you words got cut

" let's go!!!" myungsoo said and pat your back you stare at her with sharp eyes, you mouth her  ' im gonna kill you '

im gonna be dead we been ignored each other for like a weeks but i keep on seeing him ohmygosh someone take me far from him

without you realise you sat beside jaehyun

" oh what sorry " you quickly stand up to change a place but jaehyun stop you and make you sit back

you sit but then you pulled you chair a bit far from him what make you shocked is

he pulled you chair so you closer to him, Jieun feels weird like isn't him mad at you what's wrong with him

" just sit closer to me " jaehyun said in low tone but he was not looking at you

you all eating peacefully but then jaehyun took your sausage, well im gonna be mad if it was about food

" put it back pabo or i choke you" you didn't even think anything, you just make a conversation with him aaah wtf

" what if it was a no?" jaehyun said back

all members eyes now are on you guys  they kinda interested in this

" i choke you" you said and pointed him

" if you choke me.." he come closer and to you ear

" then i will die for you" jaehyun said and smirk at you he knows what he was doing

you straight punch him on shoulder with all your strength enough to make him hurt

" JIEUN NOONA PUNCH HIM MORE! HE DESERVED IT" haechan said all members laughed

" ah that hurt!" jaehyun said and rub his shoulder in pain

after a minutes we all went to the class and you still can't believe you just talk to jaehyun, but you still mad at him

school time was over now its time for go back home as usual you gonna go straight to locker first to put some stuff

after you close the locker someone was behind you and put his hands both beside you it was like a trap

you turn around ready to fight whoever behind you

and it was jaehyun...

again.... whHYYyy

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i just wanna say that i missed taehyung the loml also bts soooo damnnn muchhhhh🥺😭💜💜 and i can't wait for their comeback!!!! 🔥💜

today also treasure just did their first stage! after a years i am so proud of them❤️

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