Trying to survive

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Ragini woke up to the sound of her alarm. She was a complete mess in the morning after yesterdays episode of nightmare, panic attack and fainting. She somehow managed to get out of the bed and stumbled to the washroom by balancing herself on the wall. Ones inside the washroom she looked at herself in the mirror... a complete mess.. thats what she saw when she looked at her reflection. It showed a completely broken girl with tear stricken face and dark circles. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. Ragini splashed water on her face and tried to get a hold of herself and she whispered " you have already seen the worst, it's all gonna be fine from now".

After talking a bath she rushed out to her bedroom and looked for an outfit to wear. Something which covered her scars. She was all dressed and done within a few minutes. She was dressed in an oversized hoodie and jeans. Makeup was something she never touched.. not after what he said to her the last time she tried some.... " don't think that putting all this makeup on your face and playing dress-up is gonna impress me. You will look like a whore no matter whatever you do and I will never love you, now get lost form my room you bitch. I feel repulsed by just looking at you". These words still haunted her even though its been more than a year since she last saw him.

As usual she skipped her breakfast and ran out after grabbing her purse and locking the door of her small apartment.


Hi guys this is my first story so please drop your valuable comments and opinions.

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