Fallen Angel

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I rushed in after Ragini and realized it was a washroom. All the cubicles were empty except for one and I knew she had locked herself inside it. I moved near the door and was about to knock when I heard a small whimpering.. "no... no.. not again.. please not again.. no .. it's not real, I am hallucinating as usual.. no.. noooo not again"... Ragini kept repeating these words.

It broke my heart to listen to this.. This girl who was madly in love with me a year back.. I had destroyed her completely. I had scarred her for life.. to such an extent that my mere presence gave her panic attacks. I hated myself for hurting her, I wanted to punish myself for abusing her and leaving her broken. My hands were trembling and I couldn't even speak without stuttering. I felt the my cheeks were wet, that's when I realized I had started tearing up without even realizing it.

The small whimpering had turned to painful sobs by now and I could also hear her gasping for air as well. Thats when I decided to forcefully open the door as I couldn't bear to listen to her struggle for air, "baby doll.. sweetheart please open the door. I swear I won't hurt you.. please doll.. please open the door or I will have to open it myself.." No reply.. nothing apart from her sobs .. " doll please stand away from the door.. I am going to open it.. please don't worry doll.. please don't be scared.. please".

The sound of sobs increased. I managed to pick the lock within a few seconds. It is a trick I learnt when I was younger and I was very thankful for it today. I slowly pushed open the door and laid eyes on my princess... There she stood on the corner of the washroom shivering with red swollen eyes and tear-stricken face still sobbing and struggling to breath in between.. Yet she looked beautiful.. she looked like a fallen angel and I couldn't take my eyes off her ... But she wasn't looking at me at all, I raised my hand to touch her and she flinched instantly.. it broke my heart.. my doll was scared of me.. but who could blame her for that.. my track record was horrible..

"Doll please don't cry, I swear I will never hurt you again.. please look at me for once doll.." Doll started shaking her head and her body started shivering uncontrollably, I was getting scared for her.. that's when I saw blood oozing out of her nose. I felt the ground beneath my feet slip away.. I saw her legs wobble and the next second she fainted.. I rushed to her in a second and held her in my arms before she hit the floor.

I lifted her up bridal style and bought her outside, I was sooo scared.. her limp fragile and cold body in my arms pinched my heart. And I promised myself to somehow make things right.. even if it meant I had to beg doll and wait for years to get her forgiveness.. I was ready to go to any extent to get my doll back and see her happy again...


Hi wonderful people...

I hope you liked the story.. This is my very first book so I know there are a lot of errors.. It would be great if you could drop your valuable comments and opinions. I truly value them and it will help me a lot to improve as a writer

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