Loosing her

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Authors POV

"Noooooo.. doll noooo.. " Rana screamed and lunged forward to catch her.. but it was too late...

Everything happened within seconds... before they could even comprehend what was exactly going on.. the poor girls unconscious body fell of the railings..

Rana frantically lunged forward and tried to catch hold of his doll.. But all he managed to catch hold was the hem of  her hospital gown.. but before he knew it that too slipped out of his hands.. his doll fell and he couldn't manage to save her.. he failed.. he miserably failed. His watched as his lifeline slipped through his hands..


Franco's men had reached the hospital just minutes before all these commotions started.. As soon as they reached the Ragini's room they knew something was going wrong and they had followed Rana as he ran up the stairs but nothing prepared the men for the sight that awaited them on the terrace. Franco's men knew that their boss would kill them in case anything happened to his baby girl. Their mafia drug lord boss who was usually heartless and devoid of any human emotion considered her like his own daughter and he was very protective of her. The only time Franco showed any emotion or weakness was when it concerned Ragini.. she was his Angel.. So he always instructed them to follow her secretly and ensure that she was kept safe. Her safety was Franco's key priority and he wasn't willing to tolerate even a small lapse in that matter.

In the months that they followed and protected her most of Franco's men seemed to have acquired a genuine likening for the her and had slowly started genuinely caring for this innocent girl... Franco addressed her as angel.. and gradually they realized that there was no one more deserving of that name than her.. She was the epitome of kindness.. They all somehow sensed that she had a horrible past.. but they always stayed away from digging her past as Franco has strictly prohibited them from doing that as he felt that she would tell him herself when the time was right.. They were told to protect her at all costs but also make sure that she never knew about the same. She had become a part of their life and they genuinely started feeling protective of her. Franco would burn them alive if anything bad happened to her. And now... God knows what would happen now...

Rana started hyperventilating as soon as the gravity of the situation hit him.. he lost his previous doll forever.. he lost her forever. He was too scared to look down and see her fragile lifeless body.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa... nooo... aaaa" he let out a gut wrenching scream and fell down.. his vision blurred as tears started flowing unstoppably .. the pain he experienced at that moment was unbearable.. it seemed like his heart was being crushed and crumbled..he had lost his previous doll forever.. come to think of it he never deserved her.. he had tortured her and humiliated her with passion... but now after realizing his mistakes when he wanted to rectify his mistakes... he had lost her..

As he sat there with head between his knees.. hands on his head .. bawling his eyes out .. he realized it was all over at last.... and now he hoped his life would also come to an end soon and if it did not.. then he was ready to take things into his hands.. what was the purpose of living his life without her.


There was a lot of commotions going around him, but he was way to immersed in his own guilt trip and misery to notice any of this. Franco's men had surrounded him next to the railing and were looking down.. as it was a dark rainy night they had to use the flashlight of their mobiles in order to see anything clearly.

Rana didn't have the strength to face the harsh reality and see his doll's lifeless body so he didn't dare stand up and join them in looking down the railings. He was a crying mess.. he was broken and felt as if his heart was being ripped out off his chest. BUT... but he was brought back to reality when he heard one of Franco's men say ..... " look .. she hasn't fallen all the to the ground.. she is on that parapet .. the one in the middle.."'and with that Rana jumped up as he felt a small ray of hope shining through....

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