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Ragini was slowly becoming lightheaded but she forced herself to stay conscious so that she can ward off the devil in front of her. He kept trying to come closer to her and that completely pissed her off ... what the hell did he want from her now, wasn't he done yet.. hadn't he destroyed her soul and life already.. what was left now.. did he want to personally make sure she was dead or did he wanna try and sell her to a new bidder and earn more money that way.. Although this thought always bothered her in the first place and left her confused.. wasn't he already one of the youngest and most richest entrepreneurs of the century according to the Forbes magazine ... then why ... why did he have to sell her for money.. maybe he just wanted to get rid of her from his life. Yes.. that was the only answer she could come up with.. But then why did he come back to her life again.. unfortunately she didn't have much time to stand and think.. she had to move fast.

She knew her panic attack has started seeping in and with in a couple of minutes it will hit her with full force, but before that she had to make sure she was as far away from Rana as possible.. so summoning up all her strength she pushed her ex-husband away and ran out of the hospital room ... she ran as fast as her tiny weak wobbly legs could carry her, she stumbled and fell quite a few times but that didn't stop her from trying to distance herself from the devil.

To say Rana was shocked would be an understatement .. the poor  innocent, soft spoken and fragile girl who rarely spoke and usually stammered if she spoke had actually screamed at him on the top of her lungs and her tiny trembling hands had somehow managed to push him with such force that he lost balance and fell on the floor hitting his head on the wall in the process. The moment he regained his senses he ran after her calling out for her to stop.. but to no avail .. by the time he managed to get outside the room and spot her , all he could see was her petite figure running up the stairs on the end of the corridor.

As it was already midnight most of the hospital looked deserted but  hearing the all the commotions a few of the medical staff on their floor rushed to Ragini tried to stop her but failed miserably.. because now she wasn't running for her savior.. she herself would become her savior and with this new found determination she ran as if her life depended on it. She did hurt herself and bleed when she fell on the stairs but pain didn't seem to affect her now. She had suffered 100 times worse and this was nothing compared  to all that.

She had promised herself she wouldn't let her ex husband torture again... death would be better than having to see his cruel smirk and having to deal with his betrayal and cruelty again.. she was certain about that.. so she ran.. she ran towards the only way out she could think of.. she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of torturing her to death.. she would do it herself... at least her death shouldn't go according to the way he plotted.. she will not let him torture her again.. never again... enough was enough. Even if it meant she had to commit suicide, she was willing to do that. At least now she will get to meet her mother and maybe her unborn baby as well.. At least now she would get the love she deserved and so desperately craved for.. and at least now she would find peace for once in her life. She would at last be in a place where wasn't considered as unwanted trash or just object to satisfy sexual desires.

She reached her destination much quicker than she expected... the open terrace.. she usually came to this hospital during Franco's monthly hospital visits.. during his routine check ups she usually spend most of her time on this terrace and found peace there... and even today she was sure she would find her solace there..


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