Drug Lord

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Rana's POV

"Your wife had another panic attack again. We won't be able to run more tests or start proper treatment until her condition stabilizes" the doctor informed us after a few hours.

It had become dark by now and I literally had to beg Franco to go home, he needed all the rest he could get as he looked completely worn out by now and considering the fact that he would rush to the hospital the next day morning itself. At last he agreed to go but what he spoke next left me dazed.. before leaving he turned back and told me " don't you dare hurt her again, if you do I will make sure you won't get to meet her ever again. I don't know what you have done to my angel in the past, but understand one thing.. This time she isn't alone, I will protect her with all my might.. I may look aged and helpless to you. But you have no clue what I am capable of. She is the most precious thing in my life so you better make it up for all your mistakes , protect her and try to earn her forgiveness and acceptance this time. It is gonna take time but don't push her.. or you will have to face the wrath of the old Italian drug lord Franco and I will also make sure you will never lay eyes on her ever again.. I will use all my sources and destroy you then chop you up and feed you to the dogs... my angel doesn't know anything about my past and I would like to keep it that way.. I never asked her about her past or tried to find it out myself as I knew it would only hurt her more.. I am giving you one last chance as I think you already got your punishment and that you repent your past doings. I need to sort out a few things.. I will come in the morning.. Stay with angel and make sure she is safe. My men will come here in a few hours and they will stand guard.."

Franco smirked at me after saying this and turned to walk away.. I didn't reply back as I was more concerned about my doll rather than his past and threats .. I knew just the sight of my face will be cause for another panic attack in Ragini so I stayed outside the room the whole time. For the first time in so many years I was praying again and it was only for her and her health..Lord please keep her safe.. please.. tears kept shedding but I didn't mind anymore..

Ragini's POV

Why was he here again.. what was there left to destroy now.. Why can't he let me live in peace for ones.. All these questions kept recurring in my mind.

" it's gonna be alright.. w... we are gonna get through this"... I kept repeating this again and again... its been more than a year since the miscarriage but I still pretend my baby is with me.. so I always use "we" instead of using "I"

The memories of my baby bought a fresh layer of tears in my eyes.. My vision blurred due to the tears.. My precious baby... I sobbed

Don't worry baby mommy will come to you soon.. I promise..


The chapter is dedicated to frozen_gall

Dear thank you sooo much for your support it really means a lot to me. I will try to do the next update today itself. I wrote this when I was half asleep and published it without proof reading so there was a few errors and I forgot to mention your name as-well. I would like to thank you once again..

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