Nightmare from her past

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She reached her workplace right on time. She worked in a small cafe as a cleaner. In her eyes her boss was a 60 year old widower who considered her like his daughter. He had no family and she became his family now . He knew she had a past but he never forced her to open up coz he knew when she was ready, she would tell him everything.

Ragini usually got panic attack's when she had to face a lot of people. Her boss Franco knew this well and he took special care in always ensuring she never had to face huge crowd in the cafe. Franco would send her off to do the dishes when more people flocked into their small cafe. He kept her hidden form the cruel lustful eyes of perverts who lingered around in the cafe and streets at odd hours. Ragini loved Franco dearly... she always felt that Franco was the only person in her life who loved her genuinely without any hidden agenda. She felt God had at last heard her prayers ..deciding to show her some mercy and shower her with a fathers love which she lacked since her birth.

Ragini knew that her father always considered her as a nuisance. He couldn't tolerate her presence at home and always looked for opportunities to taunt her and verbally abuse her. What hurt her more was the amount of love he showered up on her sister and cousins. That doesn't mean she hated her sister or cousins, rather she loved them with all her heart. But his behavior hurt her because she knew her father was capable of love but just not capable of loving her.

When it was getting quite in the cafe Ragini moved to the front porch of the cafe and started clearing the plates and cups from some tables kept there. Most of the other workers were taking their breaks, dozing or having food in the kitchen. Franco had gone to bank for some official reason and that meant she was alone in the front portion of the cafe.

Ragini heard the melodies sound of their wind chimes and sound of front door opening. She turned around smiling hoping to see Franco's warm smile ..... But instead she came face to face with the one person who still haunted her dreams and whom she hoped to never see again .. she was numb for a second and unable to distinguish if its reality or her hallucinations. The other persons eyes were wide open in shock... "Ragini" he called out. But before he could reach her she threw away her cleaning cloth and ran into the washroom room on her left side and bolted the door of the small cubicle.

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