Dad's hatered

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Ragini's POV

I felt like I had been hit by a car. Every inch of my body hurt and it felt like my head would split open any minute now. I tried to open my eyes but it was a tedious task. At last after several failed attempts I managed to open my eyes, straight away I felt blinded by the bright light. I expected to see the boring walls of my bedroom but Instead i saw white walls. After a few minutes of inspection I understood that I was in a hospital room ... but why.. that's when I recollected what happened in the cafe and with that I started trembling with fear.. I couldn't take it anymore.. why was he back, didn't he have enough or did he want to torture and destroy me again.. but now that I think about it what was there left to destroy.. I was more like a breathing corpse right now, I know it's ironic but that's the truth.

My breathing became strained again and I knew another panic attack was on its way. I heard a beeping noise that's when I noticed the wires connected to my body.. the beeping increased as my panic attack set in. The last thing I saw was doctors rushing into the room then everything went blank.

When I regained consciousness again it was already dark outside and I could still hear the beeping on the machines connected to my body.. a lone tear rolled down my cheeks as I started into the darkness outside the window and I thought about my dreaded  past.. even though I had promised myself I would never think about it again...

Dreaded past....

My mother passed away giving birth to me.. It was a complicated pregnancy and she knew about it as the doctor had already informed her about it during her check ups and being the selfless lady that she was had already told to doctor to save her child even if it meant she herself would die.. My father Raj Kapoor belonged to a very rich and prestigious family, he did his schooling and graduation in New York along with his childhood sweetheart Kate.. my grandpa had died during dads childhood itself and dad was a single child.. As for as I knew dad and grandma hated their relatives for some unknown reason.. This might be one of the reasons why dad always stayed in US and hated India.

My dads mom was really traditional and didn't want dad to get married to an foreigner, so as soon as she came to know about Kate and dads affair she lied to dad that she was sick and forced him to come to India... once dad reached India grandma emotionally blackmailed dad and got him married to mom.. Dad was heartbroken and in an dilemma.. But called up Kate explained everything and broke all ties with her.. And Kate was very understanding as well.

dad never wanted to marry my mom .. but as grandma forced him he had no other option.. Dad hated mom but he never hurt her physically and he was trying hard to accept her and stay truthful to her and move ahead in life.. but things went downhill when dad came to know from his friends that Kate was pregnant with his baby.. dad was torn between the love of his life and his wife... Dad told mom everything and went to US to bring Kate to India.. Being selfless as always mom agreed to this.. Kate was 7 months pregnant when dad brought her to India.. Grandma hated Kate and found with tooth and nail to get rid of her but failed.. Mom was sad in the beginning but she took care of Kate and pretended to be happy and dad respected her for her caring and selfless nature..

After one month of Kates arrival she fell from the stairs, the doctors had to operate Kate and save the baby.. but due to the spinal cord injury  from the fall Kate was left paralyzed..

I still don't believe it even today but everyone blamed mom for this as Kate said that someone had forcefully pushed her form the stairs and mom was the only one present there at that time .. from that day dad hated mom and the worst part was mom never defended herself or tried to prove her innocence. To make things worse dad found a guy sneaking into moms room one night and dad claimed in front of everyone that she had an extramarital left for US shortly with Kate and their bundle of joy Natasha.. one week after dads return grandma came to know that mom was 4 months pregnant and informed dad.. but dad claimed the baby wasn't his and told grandma to kick mom out of the house.. but grandma never doubted mom and always took care of her.. Dad didn't even come for moms funeral and never bothered to come and see me after I was born.. but from the day I was born grandma treated me like a princess.. now when I look back that was the only truly happy days of my life..but when I was 7, grandma fell critically ill .. she knew her days were near so being the bold lady she was she told me the whole story and the reason behind the absence of a fatherly figure in my life.. grandma had requested dad to come back to India so she could see him once before her death.. dad came down to India after 8 long years to see his mom.. before grandma died she made dad promise that he will take me with him.. And thats how i came to US because dad loved grandma and couldn't say no to any of her wishes.

Dad always hated me and as time went by Natasha also hated me.. slowly I became more of a maid in their house than the daughter but I had no complaints because I knew the reason behind the hatred .. I was never a bright student nor did I have any additional skills or talent and being the freak that I am I didn't have any friends in school.. At school Natasha and her friends always bullied me, Rana was Natasha's best friend but he never bullied me.. To be frank he actually saved me a lot of times from the bullies.. but all this came to an end one day when Natasha explained our family dynamics to him.. from that day on Rana hated me with passion..

But my stupid heart had fallen for him the very first time he saved me.. if only it hadn't... then I wouldn't have had to deal with the heart breaks throughout my life..


Hi Angels.. I hope you like this chapter.. pls leave your comments and do hit the like button if you want more drama🤗

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