5. Washington, D.C. - BRADGA

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Hey, guys! This was also a suggestion made by gagaxbradley. That's a short one, but I found it cute.

Btw, I accept requests :)

Btw, I accept requests :)

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Stefani's POV

I unfolded myself out of my seat, stretching to get the blood circulating through my legs, my body humming with excitement. Out of the plane's window, I'd seen my first glimpse of the Washington Monument just as we were getting ready to land at National. I was looking forward to a tour of our nation's capital. I have done it before, but this time it would be special.

More than that, though, I was excited about seeing Bradley again and having a few days alone with him. It would be opposed to the too-brief evenings and nights we'd been sharing in between his current flood of business trips.

He'd spent the previous four days in DC for a movie he was working on and surprised me by taking a few days off afterward. I'd gotten a bigger surprise when Bobby had called me to let me know that she'd taken care of rearranging my schedule appointments for me. Bradley had arranged that, too. Normally I'd have balked at his high-handedness, especially when it came to my professional life. But I'd been missing him like crazy and saw it for the romantic gesture it was.

My black strappy heels clicked softly against the airplane aisle as I exited. My bum-hugging cropped pants flowing against my smooth, tanned calves. And a snug, black, sleeveless top that accentuated my bosom under my favorite denim jacket. A silver belt draped low over my hips, highlighting my curves. The soft material of my pants looked fine and tantalizing against my bare bottom and mound, and only I knew the surprise that was waiting in my purse.

As I stepped off the skywalk into the terminal, I saw nothing and no one but Bradley, his smile making both of his dimples pop out and his eyes on me and me alone. I raced towards him, my carry-on bag in tow. Reaching him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, stretching up on tiptoe to press my body as close to his as possible. Unbidden, tears pricked behind my eyelids. I felt his embrace once more and was again enveloped by that scent that is his and his alone.

After several minutes of holding each other, I leaned back slightly to look up at him, his light, warm blue eyes melding with my own green ones. His lips descended to capture mine, and though we'd shared hundreds, thousands, kisses before, this one held all the power and magic of our first kiss.

I slipped my hand into my purse, palming the silky damp thong I'd removed on the plane, and stealthily placing it into his front pocket. He felt the pressure against his hip and broke the kiss long enough to inquire, "What's this?"

His hand took the same path mine had just recently done, dipping down into his pocket before coming back up with what he'd termed my "date panties." He smirked when he felt the humid evidence of my desire for him lingering on the hot pink satin, returning them to his pocket.

Once more, we melted together in a hot kiss, his tongue flicking out to meet mine and mate with it, twining it around his own. His hands slid down over my bottom, and he sighed into my mouth at feeling my curves without any tale-tell panty lines. My hands moved down and over his back, going still further down before coming to rest on his firm ass. I worked my hands under his gray shirt. Savoring the muscles rippling in his back underneath before I slipped my hands down his cotton twill pants to get closer to the skin beneath. My moan of appreciation escaped my lips. I discovered neither silk nor cotton creating a barrier between my questing hands and the flesh they were longing to touch.

My hands kneaded and squeezed Bradley's taut ass. He pressed more intimately against me, bringing his throbbing shaft into full contact with my swollen mons with only the thinnest layers of material separating us. I arched against his heat, aided by a bit of pressure from his own strong hands. I nipped at his lower lip, drawing it between my own, scraping it gently with my teeth as the tip of my tongue flicked over it.

After long moments of kissing and grinding against each other there in the airport, he rasped out, "C'mon. I've got a car waiting for us."

We retrieved my bags and walked out into the bright sunlight, which reflected off of what seemed to be hundreds of cars. Bradley grabbed my bags and led me to the front of a line of waiting cars where a black stretch limo waited. The chauffeur placed my bags inside the trunk before opening the back door to let us in. The interior boasted a sumptuous dark red upholstery and carpeting, and there was a bottle of Chardonnay breathing in a holder offset to one side.

As soon as we got in and the driver shut the door behind us, Bradley pushed the button to raise the privacy shield and dragged me across his lap. His lips captured my gasp of surprise and delight. My hands were entangled in the hair at the back of his neck.

He ran his hands along my side, teasing my full breast with the promise of his touch. The hardened nipple became even tauter, puckering against the thin material of my shirt and the black lace of the bra beneath. I whimpered against his mouth, mindlessly turning in my attempt to place my aching breast into his hand. With a soft chuckle, Bradley ran his hands all around and between my breasts. But always mindful to avoid the sensitive tips, driving my desire to a higher pitch.

Against my hip, his member was firm and insistent, throbbing with each beat of his heart, keeping time with the pulse of my own ardent desire. I wriggled against it as he continued to sup on my lips and tease my breasts with the promise of his touch. His hand eased down over my belly. When he reached the hem of my shirt, his smart hands sought and found the soft skin beneath, slowly caressing it, journeying ever lower until he came to the waistband of my pants.

As his long thick fingers continued their travels through the darkness, they encountered my mound, freshly shorn just that morning for him. His fingers parted my lips, slipping into their crevice to seek and find the hidden treasure contained therein. As Bradley's finger made that first firm contact with my clit, my hips bucked up against his hand in a silent plea to continue even lower down, to fill my empty cunt. He complied, slipping two fingers into my slit, wetting them with my juices before sliding them back out to spread my growing moisture around my throbbing clit.

"Oh, Gawd, B, you've got to stop, or I'm going to come, and I want you in me when I do."

With a wet slurp, Bradley pulled his fingers out, leaving my pussy aching, empty, yearning for him to fill me. He sucked them clean before gently laying me down on the large plush seat. When I was on my back, he eased my pants off of me, leaving me clad in my blouse, pushed up to expose black lace-covered breasts, and my black strappy heels. My silver belt still lay cold and chunky just below my belly button. Bradley sat back, staring at me open and exposed before him, slightly running his finger down my cunny, separating the folds, opening me to his gaze.

I smiled up at him as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling out his thick cock, the precome dripping off the tip. One foot rested on the floor, bracing myself, and Bradley pushed the other up to prop on the back of the seat, spreading me to his gaze and his touch. He knelt between my knees, slapping my swollen clit with his hard member, his precome mixing with my juices. I reached up to grab my nipples through my bra, pinching and twisting them, the lace lightly abrading them. He placed the bulbous head of his cock against my slit, sliding it just a little way in, taunting me with the hope of penetration.

I raised my hips up as I grasped the base of his shaft in my hand. It throbbed hotly under my hand as I guided it further into me. Finally, he plunged deep into me, filling and stretching my tight cunny with his thickness. I twisted my nipples harder as he thrust in and out of me, my hips rising up to meet his dick. His heavy sac smacked against my ass. The base of his cock rubbed against my clit with every glide in and out. The heat and tension coiled inside me, begging for release. With one final hard plunge, I came hard, my juices squirting, bathing his balls as I clawed at him, panting and screaming his name through my orgasm.

I peaked when I felt him tense above me moments before his hot come exploded out of him, splashing against my cervix. It flooded my pussy before it came streaming out to pool on the seat beneath me. His breath was hot and heavy in my ear as he collapsed on top of me, his deflating cock still buried inside my tight, dripping pussy. He whispered, "You are so beautiful. Do you know how much I love you?"

"Almost as much as I love you, since I love you more," I replied with a smile in my voice, resurrecting our most common point of disagreement.

I felt his answering chuckle vibrate through my chest. And I sighed, content simply to hold him close as we basked at the beginning of our holiday together.

DC was whizzing past us through the moonroof.

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