18. Facetime - BRADGA

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Stefani smiled when her phone pinged with the familiar FaceTime chime.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, beautiful."

She giggled. "I wasn't expecting to hear from you this morning. I thought you had an early meeting."

"It got pushed back an hour. So I seized the opportunity to see my favorite girl. How are you this morning?"

"Other than missing you, I'm fantastic."

"Excellent. I miss you too. As long as nothing unexpected comes up, I'll be home in time for dinner tomorrow night."

"Good," she replied. "Anything, in particular, you'd like to eat?"

"You know I'll eat anything you fix, babe. I'll just be glad to be home with you."

"I'll be glad that you're home too. You know I don't sleep well when you're not beside me."

"I know. Neither do I."

"I did dream about you last night."

"Oh, you did, hmmm?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "And just what were we doing in this dream of yours?"

"I don't remember a lot of the details, but we were in bed together, and when I woke up this morning, I was...," she trailed off.

"You were what?" he asked.

"Wet. I was wet."

"Damn, that must've been some dream."

"It must've been," she agreed. "Though..." Again she trailed off.

"Though what?" he queried. "We've talked about this. Talk to me, baby. Tell me."

"I wasn't just wet when I woke up this morning. I felt needy. In fact, I'm still wet and needy."

"Then I suggest you go and take care of that need. Right now. And I want to watch."

"What? No! I'll just wait until you get home tomorrow night. Besides, don't you have a meeting to get to?"

"Absolutely not," he said, transforming from loving husband to demanding Dom with just those two words. "You will do it now. You will go to the bedroom, get naked, pull out the toy of your choice, climb into bed, and FaceTime me back."

"But -" she tried to argue, but he cut her off.

"Alexa," his voice boomed over the speakers. "Set a timer for 5 minutes."

"Timer set for 5 minutes starting now," Alexa responded.

"Get that sweet ass moving, Kitten. Now! When that timer goes off, you better be ready, and I better hear it go off. Do you understand?"

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