8. High definition - BRADGA

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Hey, guys!

I am aware this is a very silly (and long) story. Don't take it too serious. And enjoy! 

 And enjoy! 

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Gaga sat at one desk in complete silence after a meeting with the Haus. Her mouth hung open in utter shock at the image displayed on her computer screen.

With a shaking hand caused by a sudden adrenaline rush, Stefani took a deep breath, and she clicked to minimize the image before trying to regain her composure.

Feelings of buried lust and guilt at her forbidden voyeurism coursed through her as she rested in her chair; the mental image of her gorgeous friend was still fresh in her mind. He had been sat at the desk in his bedroom. He was wearing a gray suit that was made to measure and hugged his lean physique like a lover. It was clear, from the position in the photograph, that he had placed the camera on his desk and set the auto-timer to take the shot.

"Wow! Gosh," she whispered to herself, "I can't believe it."

Staring into the blank screen in a daze, a mixture of disbelief and wanton longing washed over her as she felt her mouth going dry and her chest heaving slightly. She sat up straight, her eyes just peeking over the top of the laptop and surveyed the office; everyone was busy. Knowing she shouldn't but wanting to anyway, Gaga maximized the photo once more. As it filled her computer screen, a sudden surge of paranoia caused her to glance around quickly once more to make sure no one could see her. Happy that no one could observe what she was doing, she turned back to the screen.

Gaga couldn't have counted the number of times in the past that she had curled her bottom lip between her teeth and bitten down to keep from moaning in bed. Silently stroking herself to climax, thinking about that man. Now she was looking at him reclined in his own chair, with his large and stiff cock thrust up through his open trouser zip.

Quickly clicking on to the next image, it was evident that Bradley had just exited the shower. Droplets of water sat seductively all over his muscular frame, following the contours of his rugged muscles. His wet, brown hair, looking like a million fibers of dark silk, was slicked back as he looked directly into the camera for the photo.

Her eyes slowly slipped from his chiselled, slightly stubbled jawline, down over his broad shoulders and over his rippling physique. The perfect form of his muscular abdomen gave away his penchant for regular gym sessions and healthy eating. He looked like a god! Gaga's gaze drifted lower as she pressed her lips together firmly to keep from moaning her approval. A large, fluffy white towel was slung around his lean waist and hung lazily on his hips. The teasing shroud concealed what she already knew to be one of his best features. At that very second, Gaga felt like dropping to her knees in the middle of that office and thanking God that she was able to see those pictures.

A sudden pang of guilt washed through her, and she once again minimized the image in shame.

Bradley and Gaga had hit it off the first day they met. She had thought at that time that he was one of the most attractive guys she had ever met. Only later coming to realize that he was also a genuinely lovely person. Although she secretly fancied the pants off him, for whatever reason, nothing had ever developed romantically. In the six months since he had moved closer and, over time, they had simply become just good friends. Now though, she had seen his dick.

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