16. Movie night - BRADGA

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Stefani inched closer to his side, and as if by second nature, he readjusted his arm, letting her slip beside him to rest her head on his chest

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Stefani inched closer to his side, and as if by second nature, he readjusted his arm, letting her slip beside him to rest her head on his chest. She couldn't see the movie from her new position, but at the moment, she preferred the mountain of covers and his warm body to the boxing-themed drama he'd chosen.

She idly traced a pattern on his bare chest, imagining she felt goosebumps rising and creating designs wherever her fingers touched. Bradley fidgeted slightly, and she could feel him briefly look down at the top of her head. She casually grazed his nipple as she traced the patterns in a wide arc; he continued watching the movie, with what she suspected was overly exaggerated attention.

Stefani absentmindedly kissed his chest as she mused over how she'd fallen in love with him. He responded by twining his fingers in her hair, his attention never wavering from the movie. She heard the sound effects of someone being punched, and his chest moved under her head as he exhaled an impressed breath. She supposed it must've been a good hit.

Glancing up at him and seeing he was absorbed in what she felt was a rather waste-of-time movie, she gently kissed his chest and circled her tongue around his nipple. His hand froze in her hair, but he continued watching the movie. She let her hand slide down past his chest to toy with the top of his basketball shorts and felt his chest rise and fall more rapidly.

Slowly, she slid her hand into his shorts to stroke his rapidly hardening erection through his boxers. For a moment, he continued to watch the movie until finally, with a long-suffering sigh and much rummaging under the covers, he found the remote and paused it. She gave herself a silent congratulation for having garnered his attention, saving herself from another forty-five minutes of boredom.

"You couldn't have waited?" he asked. Stefani knew he was trying to sound exasperated. But his amusement was visible, and it wasn't like him to not see the humor in such a situation. She gazed up at him with round doleful eyes and replied.

"No," as innocently and contritely as she knew how; he rolled his eyes.

"Come here," he said gruffly, pulling her upwards for a kiss. "What do you want from me?" she pretended to pout.

"I just wanted a little attention," she told him in her most indignant and wounded voice, "And maybe sex too?" she added hopefully. He laughed.

"Well, tell me exactly what you want."

"...Sex," she said again, feeling as if she'd stated the obvious. She looked up at Bradley, confused, and was slightly perturbed to see the shit-eating grin forming on his face.

"I know you want sex, but how do you want the sex? What do you want me to do to you? Tell me." She scowled, realizing he was going to make this difficult for her.

"I obviously want you to stick it in me... that's the definition of sex," she replied, getting frustrated. Bradley's grin got huger. He loved annoying her and making her uncomfortable in equal measure.

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