19. Doctor's Appointment - BRADGA

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Hello everyone!

This is another request made by SerenaHover.

It is an AU one shot. Don't take it seriously and enjoy!

 Don't take it seriously and enjoy!

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I couldn't put it off any longer. Having to go to the doctor for a swab of my downstairs was something I didn't enjoy, but it was only once a year. I had had a reminder letter, and I knew it was time to make the appointment.

I rang the doctor's requesting a female if possible, but that meant waiting another couple of weeks, and I wanted to get this out the way. So I booked in with a new doctor, Dr. Cooper. 'He has no doubt seen hundreds of pussy's, so no need to be embarrassed,' I thought to myself.

I had recently shaved, so I knew it was well-trimmed. Before heading to my appointment, I went for a shower and made sure I gave my pussy a good wash. I put on some clean cotton pants and drove to the doctors'.

I sat in the waiting room, reading a magazine, avoiding thinking about the smear test. My name soon flashed on the screen, Room 3.

I paused outside the door, took a breath, and walked in, my breath caught in my throat, 'Bradley!' I exclaimed.

In front of me stood an old family friend who I had last seen when I was 17. His father had worked with mine, and the last time I had seen him was seven years ago at a family BBQ. I took this older Bradley in, he had always been pretty good looking with brown hair and deep blue eyes, but then he had been tall and thin. Now he had filled out in all the right places.

'Stefani! I thought I recognized the name on my screen! How the hell are you?'

Damn! His voice was deep; I could feel a blush starting in my cheeks. He was having a strange effect on me.

'I haven't seen you for what 5/6 years?'

'8' I blurted out. I was remembering back to that BBQ when I had tried desperately to flirt with him. I was young and inexperienced then, keen to get a boyfriend with who I could explore my body. I had no doubt seemed immature and annoying to him, he was 21 and already at University and no doubt having fun with the girls there.

I jumped back to the present, and he invited me to sit down. We spent the next few minutes catching up on the lost years. He had gone to medical school. I had been to University. He had got married, I was living with my boyfriend, he had moved here with his wife six months ago when a position had come up.

Silence fell as we ran out of information to exchange, and Bradley glanced at his computer, 'So you are in for....um right.'

I blushed again. How was I going to let Bradley do this test? I had always had a crush on him. Now he was even better looking. The whole time we had been talking, I had been mentally undressing him, taking in his large tanned hands, imagining how they would feel on my face, in my hair. What was the matter with me? I was happy with my boyfriend! Now the thought of Bradley seeing me down there was making my heart quicken and heat spread to my cheeks.

Bradga  - One shots +18Where stories live. Discover now