11. Educational trip - BRADGA

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Stefani's POV

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Stefani's POV

My eyes were glued to his phone's GPS, helping him navigate to our destination for our spontaneous date day. Bradley and I share an appreciation for history and culture, and our passion for exploring kept our relationship quirky and exciting. The explosive sex is admittedly another major contributor, but we will get to that later. 

We drove along a tall barbed-wire fence line until finally, I directed him to pull into the small regional airport parking lot.

We were on the outskirts of a major city, and this local airfield now only serves small private aircraft. In its prime, it was booming with activity but has aged. Today it is merely a relic of the area's past in aviation.

The property was nearly deserted, but the old brick terminal remained open to visitors as it hosts a self-touring museum of memorabilia.

"This is sick," he said as we skipped every other step into the terminal to escape the elements. The dated architecture and antique fixtures were right up our alley. I smiled to myself... he thought that day was actually going to be educational. Per usual, I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

The terminal inside was very standard of the early 1900s. A side stairwell took us up to the second floor, which was simply a large balcony wrapping around the interior of the space. The walls were lined with framed photographs, maps, diagrams, and other documents. We communicated in hushed whispers as we read the informational plaques accompanying each glass display case. We were entirely alone, save the one lone security officer who occasionally peaked out from the surveillance office on the first floor. I was disappointed at the lack of audience as I loved to tease him in public, but could not complain; the risk of being caught by security was equally enticing. I pushed the stairwell door open with a creak and motioned for him to follow me upstairs to the second-floor exhibits.

As soon as the door shut behind us, I was all over him. He was well accustomed to my sudden antics, and his tongue expertly eased my lips open. His fingers grabbed at my ass through my leggings, pulling my pelvis into his. He lowered his lips to my neck, and I moaned softly. He abruptly pushed me off him as punishment for the onslaught.

"No more," he said, rolling his eyes and continuing up the stairs. I knew that game; he wanted me to try again. I did it. His teasing served as further motivation.

We worked our way around the mezzanine, examining the displays. I leaned forward with extra enthusiasm. I was sticking my ass out for him to admire, gingerly tucking my soft hair behind my ears when they fell into my face. I leaned over the railing to check on the status of our security officer friend. He was on the phone in the office below. I used that as an opportunity to strike again, rubbing his cock through his jeans. I could feel him getting hard at my touch, and I got instantly wet. We maintained eye contact for several seconds before he closed his eyes to savor the feeling. I touched gently but firm pressure along his shaft, cupping his balls and giving them attention through the thick fabric. The sound of the phone receiver being hung up in the lobby area below snapped him back to reality.

"Baby, no —"

"We'll be quiet!"

"We can't. Not here. At home. I promise." He pulled my hand off him.

"No! Now," I insisted and gestured towards a door with a scratched, barely legible "Ladies Restroom" sign. I knew his logical side was conflicted. That was a near-empty building, and the possibility of another woman entering was slim to none. I pulled him into the restroom before he had a chance to reason his way out of it. We were loud and animalistic, and I could not fuck him there. But I wanted to suck him dry. I dropped to my knees on the dated mint green and black checkered tile as he quickly released his belt and pulled his dick out, muttering in disbelief, "You know this is crazy, right?" 

I wasted no time getting to work, and surprisingly, he cooperated with zero resistance. His fingers were thoroughly tangled in my hair, fucking my face as I coughed and gagged, gasping for air. I worshiped his cock as if my life depended on it. My left hand was down my leggings and rubbing my clit hard in circles while my right-hand gripped his thigh for balance. I didn't need my hands for this, just my mouth.

"Baby, look."

He turned my face towards the backside of the restroom door. To my surprise, there was a full-length mirror mounted. Tears and mascara were running down my face, my hair was a wreck. He ran the back of his fingers down my cheek, gently caressing. Then grabbed the stall partition behind him for leverage and mercilessly shoved his cock down my throat. My body craved this, he was using me to get himself off. I heard the distant squeak of a door hinge, and he could see the panic in my eyes as I looked up at him with my lips tight around his cock. Understanding, he held me still and stared straight into my soul, setting the record straight.

"We're finished when I say we are."

I caved in my cheeks to suck harder. Saliva dripped down my chin, staining the front of my sweater and pooling on the tile floor.

I focused on extra effort to maintain a steady pressure, pace, and depth. The grip in my hair tightened, and I noticed that Bradley's legs were shaking as he got closer.

"Just like that, baby. Just like that, keep going."

I bathed his balls with the flat of my tongue in a delicate way to prevent overstimulating, spitting all over his cock. I offered myself another sideways glance in the mirror and imagined being caught in that condition.

I generally appreciated his ability to last long, but, for once, I was praying him to finish before anyone walked in. I stroked him and kissed the length of his hard dick while encouraging him with dirty words.

"I want your cum, baby. Please. All over my face," I begged before returning to my steady rhythm, my head bobbing up and down. He groaned in response. He was so close that he had to grip the wall to balance himself, his legs were trembling uncontrollably.

"Fucking Christ," he managed to speak before shooting him cum all over my face, gobs of it landing in my mouth and nose.

Our heavy breathing morphed into laughter as we recovered and cleaned up at the sink. Part of me hoped the ancient, buzzing window unit drowned out our noise, but then again, a part of me hoped it did not. We braced ourselves for our exit and retreated downstairs, calm and collected. To my relief, the security officer simply offered us a knowing smile and courteous, "Hope you all enjoyed your visit" on our way out.

Always the troublemaker, I replied, "Amazing... we will definitely be back!" I winked at Bradley, and he squeezed my hand back, acknowledging our little secret.

"Let's get home, dirty girl. I think I have a favor to return."

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