15. Haze - BRADGA

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I was staring at Stefani again. She sat next to me on the back porch of her house. Her long light-pink-colored hair cascaded over her left shoulder against her tanned skin. Then her beautiful green eyes blinked at me, and her lips curled into a smile as she finished exhaling smoke.

"Wanna hit it?" she asked me as she handed me the pipe. I took the glass pipe from her along with the lighter. She smiled at me again and giggled. I couldn't help but laugh too as I lit the pipe and inhaled deeply. I could feel the sweet, familiar haze start to cloud my vision.

I exhaled and tried not to choke, which again, made her smile. I passed the pipe back, and she reached for it with her slender, tattooed arms. She had leaned back onto the porch, reclined on her side. I scooted closer to her and relaxed backward as well.

I watched her small hands light the pipe and then watched her ample chest inhale the smoke. She looked at me and made a come hither motion with her fingers.

I got even closer, our bodies and faces just inches away. Stefani pressed her lips against mine as her tongue lightly teased at my mouth.

When I opened it, the smoke and her warm breath poured into my lungs. My eyes fluttered shut, and I felt my body shiver. I pulled away to exhale, and before I knew it, her lips were back on mine.

The two of us were lying there in the ever dimming evening light. We spent most nights like this. We'd come home from work, and Stefani would smoke to unwind. She used to offer me, but I always refused. That day I wanted. Her face, her smile, did just the same. Looking into those green eyes was all I needed to feel high.

Her lips were so soft against mine. The kiss started sweetly with gentle motions that quickly turned into something sultrier with hard presses of lips, tongues, and teeth. Whenever she kissed me like she wanted to eat me up, I knew she needed something more. She sucked and lapped at my lips. I could feel her teeth every now and again as I tried to keep up with her pace. Her face moved away from mine as she slid her body closer and began to assault my neck. She licked and sucked at the skin before gently biting down on it. It hurt a bit, but I enjoyed it. Her bite transformed into a kiss. The harsh sensation to such a mild one – I was overwhelmed. The arm that wasn't supporting her body was holding me tight around my midsection.

She had placed her arm on top of mine, and there was no way I could move it. She held me there in her grasp like her plaything. I loved it.

"Wanna fool around?" she asked me.

"Of course I do," I answered.

"Good," she whispered.

She sat up and pushed me over, so I was lying on my back. Then she unfastened my pants and pulled them off. Next went to my shirt. I was embarrassed to be in her backyard in just my underwear but also really excited. Besides, in the backyard, no one would see us, probably, unless someone from her team or her family arrived.

Stefani sat on my body with her crotch to mine, then leaned over my chest supporting her weight with the arms.

Her skirt was wide enough to shield parts of my legs and stomach from view. I could already feel how hot and wet she was through her panties. She leaned down to kiss me, and her long wavy hair created a veil around us. The kiss was gentle, but I knew that was the softest she was going to be with me.

She smiled at me and giggled as she sat up. She climbed off of me and pulled off my underpants as she went. I was lying there fully exposed in front of her. She ran her hand over my lower parts, and I felt my whole body pulse. Stefani smiled again before grabbing the pipe. She took a deep hit then exhaled the warm smoke over my crotch. It made my things quiver.

Then she took another and shoved that bit of warm air down my throat. She kissed me passionately, long and hard, forcing me to hold my breath. She moved away, and I immediately exhaled, now feeling more hazed than before. Stefani moved back down to my crotch as she began to lick me.

She started at the bottom and moved slowly to the top, paying extra attention to the top. She licked up and down and along the sides over and over and over. She licked and kissed it again and again until she finally drew it into her mouth. She licked and sucked, bringing me endless amounts of pleasure. The way she moved it back and forth around me was so euphoric. I wasn't going to last much longer.

Her tongue danced around my naughty bits, and I couldn't take it anymore. She began to suck harder, licking at the same time. The small brushes of teeth here and there really added to the thrill. Her hands were slowly teasing my thighs, and before I knew it, I came all over her face. She sat back on her heels and wiped her face with her hands, then licked her fingers clean.

"I can never get enough of your taste, sweetie." I smiled into those beautiful eyes of hers then sat up to give her a kiss. We broke apart, and I grabbed the pipe. I took a hit and passed it to her as she had done before. I kissed her long and deep, and then she exhaled slowly. Suddenly, she pushed me down and moved her body on top of mine. She kissed me again – eagerly, and full of lust – before moving to kneel over my face.

She positioned herself so that her knees were next to my ears; her thighs pressed against my cheeks. The underside of her dress was all I could see as I felt her hot crotch inch closer and closer to my face. I could feel how warm and soaked she was as she hovered over me, and it was clear that she hadn't been wearing panties at all. I stuck my tongue out and began to gently lick the source of the sweet juices in front of me. I lightly teased her clit and hole with my tongue, and I began to hear soft whimpers coming from above. She lifted up her skirt to look down on me. Her mouth was hanging open; her eyebrows pressed together. She was enjoying it. I grabbed her legs as I continued to eat her pussy, holding them firmly as she kept staring down at me.

Stefani tasted so sweet with just a hint of bitterness. Her lower lips were so warm. It was hypnotic. All I could smell was her delicious scent. All I could taste was her sugary nectar. All I could hear were her moans, and all I could see were those gorgeous eyes.

Her moans had grown louder, her crotch stiffer and wetter. I could tell she was getting close. Her hips continued to buck against my mouth and tongue until she couldn't move anymore. Then I resumed licking and sucking on her lower parts. I gave her a few more well-placed flicks, and that was all it took to hear that sigh of relief as her orgasm washed over my face. Her back arched, and her body shook; it was a sight to behold. The sexy woman on top of me collapsed over my body and began to catch her breath. She rolled over back onto the porch with a smile on her face.

I rolled over towards her so I could kiss her. I kissed gently and deeply as she met my lips enthusiastically, trying to suck all the juices off of my face.

"I love the taste of us," she said.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

She sat up and then grabbed her glass pipe. I watched her chest heave as she took a deep hit. She passed it to me with another long kiss, and the haze was back. She moved away slowly as I exhaled. She came to rest, cuddled into my arm just as the sun was nearly set. The first twinkles of nighttime had begun to appear. I pulled her closer and kissed her on the head. This was all I needed to feel high: her body, her touch, her smile, just her.

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