12. Oops, sir - BRADGA

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"Thank you again for dinner, it was lovely!" she said to him as they relaxed on his couch

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"Thank you again for dinner, it was lovely!" she said to him as they relaxed on his couch. "And this wine. It's so good! Where did you get it from?"

Bradley laughed. "I knew you'd like it. It was a little pricey but definitely worth it to see you enjoy it so much," he took a sip of his water, looking meaningfully at her over the rim of his glass. There was something about the way he looked at her. That made her insides flip, mainly down below.

"Pricey? What, was it was a whole $20? My goodness, what a treat."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "A little more than that, I think it was about $85. But worth every penny, if you're enjoying it that much."

She nearly choked on her sip, laughing. "Oh! You don't need to spend that much on me, you know..."

"I know that. I spent that much on you because I choose to, and it pleases me, ok? Don't worry. Just be careful with it!"

Well, that got her back up. "Careful? When haven't I been careful? I'll have you know I'm incredibly careful! If it wasn't for you, I would never have spilled the last time - "

He leaned back in his seat, smirking at her, as she got increasingly wound up about this imagined slight. He reached up and adjusted the tie he had worn for their dinner date. He was clearly more interested in the way her breasts moved about under her dress than the insult she clearly felt very strongly about (at least in the moment). This didn't help calm her down in the least. Her hands became more and more animated as she talked until the inevitable happened. One of her hands swung and promptly nailed her wine glass, sending red wine splashing all over his couch.

"Oh, god! I'm sorry!" she cried, kicking herself mentally for doing the very thing he warned her about. She knew he'd be cross with her now. She ran to the kitchen to get a cloth and wipe it up, or at least as best she could in the fuck-me heels she was wearing and the tight little black dress she had on. She came back in and crouched on her hands and knees to scrub the couch.

"I'm so sorry," she repeated. "I'm such a klutz, I spilled the nice wine you bought me all over your couch, I hope it doesn't stain, if it does I'll to pay to have it cleaned," Stefani hated how much she was babbling, but the date had gone so well she didn't want to ruin it. It looked like she had gotten most of it out, and she glanced over her shoulder at him.

He was standing behind her, quite clearly looking down at her backside, as she vigorously scrubbed away, and had a funny look on his face. Something about it made her voice catch in her throat. One hand was in his pocket, and the other was rubbing his chin thoughtfully. At that moment, at least, he seemed very, very large. Or at least she seemed very small in comparison. Her eyes traveled down his snug dress shirt. She really liked the way it was snug on his chest and arms. Then her eyes glanced at his neat dress pants, where she saw... oh, goodness, she thought.

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