7. Phone sex - BRADGA

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Bradley texted me first

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Bradley texted me first. He always does it to make sure it is safe to call. I told him to give me a minute so that I could put my AirPods in, and he could ring.

His first words were to ask me where I was, and I told him the truth. I had to say that I was in the supermarket and had just started shopping. It was the wrong thing to say because I knew he would somehow take advantage of that.

As I was walking around the fresh food area, picking up a few tomatoes, a bag of apples, some grapes, and dumping them unceremoniously into the shopping trolley. Bradley started to help me shop by telling me what I wanted and what aisle it was in as if I didn't know. I got a bit frustrated as everything was taking that much longer, so I asked him what he really wanted. His reply made me smile.

"I want to slip my cock into you as you lean over that trolley and fuck your juicy wet pussy."

My eyes opened wide in recognition of his words. It was a good thought and one that made me smile as I placed the courgettes into the trolley.

"I know what you are doing now. You are looking around at the people walking past and wondering if they can hear what I am saying. Aren't you?"

He was right. I was doing that. I walked past the fresh meats and had to turn around because I needed coriander, potatoes, and carrots that I had missed.

"Don't worry! They can't hear me. It's a shame really because if fifty percent of them could listen to what I want to do to you, they would probably join in. Especially that blonde woman that just walked past. She'd be down on your wet pussy in a flash."

I looked over my shoulder, and sure enough, there was a blonde woman. She was a short distance away from me, putting a few onions into her trolley and facing the other direction. I hadn't noticed her pass me. I stopped and looked around for him – this was too much of a coincidence. Could he have known, or was he betting on the law of averages?

"You'd look great over that trolley, your tits dangling over the bananas, nipples brushing past, and being teased by the furry skin of the apricots. My dick would be slipping over your pussy, making it even wetter. Even the courgettes have stood to attention because they've seen the look on your face. That cucumber is already leaking."

I looked down at the cucumber and saw that the top was damaged and bruised. Okay, that was it.

He is here somewhere. I knew he was. I moved out of the vegetable area and into the foreign food aisle.

"I've been waiting for this for ages, and that smile you have on your face is something else indeed."

For some reason, I pouted, pursed my lips tightly together, thereby removing the smile. I pulled some pasta sauce into the trolley and followed it up with some tagliatelle and pasta shells. I added a carbonara sauce for good measure in case my mood changed when I got home.

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