6. Convenience shop - BRADGA

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Hello, guys! 

This is another suggestion made by gagaxbradley. Short. But I promised next is going to be long.

 But I promised next is going to be long

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Bradley's POV

Driving that long stretch of I-95 toward our Florida destination, I couldn't help thinking about how much more nice vacations with her were.

I looked across the bench seat of my pick-up truck and watched her sleep. The greenish glow from the instrument panel painted her sweet face with smooth brightness.

"We could stop here for the night," I had suggested a few miles ago. "I get bonus trip rewards at the Comfort Inn," she laughed hard at my comment.

But, no! She wanted to keep going. "The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get this vacation started," she had argued.

And there she was, asleep, and there I squirmed with an urgent need to pee. I slowed down and eased my truck onto the exit ramp. She must have sensed the decreased speed, or the down-shifting, and shook herself awake.

"What's up, Doc?" she cooed groggily.

"I feel the need... the need to pee," I told her in my poor impersonation of Tom Cruise from that old Top Gun movie.

For an interstate convenience store, this place looked practically deserted except for the two or three customers inside. There was no one at the pumps. But, then again, at three in the morning, I reckoned that would be normal.

She waited for me to open her door. That's just a habit I have; opening doors for ladies, throwing coats over mud puddles, etc. Hand-in-hand like high-school sweethearts, we strolled through the double glass doors of the Sunoco A-Plus.

"I'll catch up," I said and made my way to the men's room.

It was good to get all that coffee out of me, but with another 517 miles to go, there would be more coffee and more pit stops. I returned to the store's main room and saw her standing in an aisle of grocery items toward the rear of the store near the pop coolers.

How did I get so lucky, I smiled as I walked toward her, watching her studying a label on a can of something.

"Hey, B!" she beamed, giving me a little peck on the cheek and putting her free arm around my waist. "Everything comes out all right? Shake it more than twice, and you're playing with it, ya know!"

I smiled. Stefani is so cute. For a woman in her 30's, she sometimes acts like a girl in her teens. She's just adorable!

Seeing her bent over to get a small box of Chips Ahoy cookies off the bottom shelf snapped me out of my momentary trance and snapped something else to attend. She must've taken her panties off at the last rest area; the short skirt she was wearing sure didn't leave anything to the imagination! She smiled shamelessly, and with her trademark 'Come here Big Boy' grin, she quickly stood and grabbed my hand.

"Did you save the wrapper from that Tootsie-Pop? I don't want to get arrested for shoplifting in Georgia!" I said as she trotted playfully ahead of me, still holding my sweaty hand, still grinning that come-hither grin. She tossed the red wrapper at me, then dragged me into the women's restroom.

"Get up there and spread your legs!" she ordered, after pushing me into the farthest stall.

I tried to pretend I was shocked, but she knows me too well. I know how to follow orders. So, I did as she instructed. I planted my ass on the toilet tank and waited for her next command.

"Lose 'em, Sailor," she directed.

I slid one leg of my jeans off and anchored my feet on the handicap rails.

"Say your prayers siwwy wabbit," she growled as she approached my exposed groin, tossing the cherry Tootsie-Pop to the floor. I meant to ask her how many licks it took to get to the center, but I really didn't think she had been counting.

Cupping my sac in one hand, rolling my balls around inside it, she grabbed my hard and reddened shaft and plunged her mouth down on it. All the way down. I could swear that I was tickling her tonsils. She withdrew to the tip, enclosing her lips around the lip where the foreskin meets the head. Stabbing the slit with her tongue, she seemed to sense that I wasn't going to last long. She snapped her head back and looked at me with glaring eyes.

"You'll cum when I say you can cum and not a second sooner!" she sneered and plunged herself down on me again. I had a slight little spasm then. "Not yet!" she said and went back to licking the sides up and down and around the head. It was making me crazy. I tried to stifle my squeals.

"Sweetie... stop... I... can't... hold..."

And I couldn't. As Stefani withdrew to take another dive, I exploded in one violent squirt after another, kicking the extra rolls of toilet paper across the floor.

After several minutes catching my breath and determining that I had not had a heart attack, I relaxed my legs and stood up. Stefani had wiped her face by then, and as I bent to pull my jeans up, she raised me up to her. She kissed me softly, long and deep. Then with that grin of hers, she said, "Ten."

"Huh?" I asked, standing there with my pants still around my ankles.

"That's how many licks it took to get my man to pop!"

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