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         In a span of 12 hours,my thoughts had run haywire, been switched off and then switched back on. Now he wasnt only being nice to me, he was grooming my feelings. It was confusing how I tensed around him but still came off sounding confident. I was finally understanding why 24 hours in a day could never be enough time.

          The way he paid attention to my every little detail,the way he held me,the way he spoke to me, the way he set that apron on me and oh...when he tied my hair for me,my whole self sweated with tension and my heart swelled with different feelings. He didnt let me do anything immediately I was done slicing the onions. He'd offered that we eat at his outdoor dinner. It felt really good staring at the nicely tamed trees and flowers which brought freshening scents around.

           "How is it?" He asked as I took a fork from his 'caramelized onion pasta'. I actually didnt expect him to be able to cook that good but I finally accepted that he knew the basics just as I watched him cook.

           "Well...." I started scrunching up my face in a weird manner "...I have tasted better..." I gave my verdict which made him groan and me,laugh. "But it's nice,I actually didnt expect this much" I said taking another fork from it.

         "I'm going to do better next time,I promise you" he told me before digging in. This looked like some form of de ja vu. I laughed at his determination as he popped a bottle of red wine.

          "You don't take alcohol if I can guess right" He said.

          "I did try but my tolerance is very low so I prefer to stay off" I explained and he nodded in understanding. "I've never been worried about my tolerance though,I hardly get drunk" he told me.

          We talked on about different things, sometimes about what the ingredients in the food looked like. It was hilarious when we did that because it made us look like children playing in 'Barney'.

         "So you believe people always have something in them which contradicts the rest of their bodies?" I asked him. We'd been talking about zodiac signs before he'd started telling me about certain beliefs about contradictions in humans.

         "I'm not saying I necessarily believe in it...I'm just saying I've kind of noticed it in people,like you for example" he replied.

          "Wow...I want to hear this,what's contrasting in me?" I asked resting my head on inter locked fingers,my whole attention placed on him as I smiled.

          "Hmm" he hummed emulating my posture as he stared right into my eyes. It took me a whole lot of courage not to look away as little tingle creeped all over my skin. His stare didnt shake one bit,he seemed like he was reading my mind.

           "Your eyes" He finally told me which sent a nervous chill down my spine. "My eyes?" I asked like I hadnt heard him.

          "Yhup,your eyes" he said as he relaxed into his seat still not breaking eye contact with me though me. "They are really pretty but when I look at them,I just feel like they could be something else" he told me. He was the first person telling me that,I didnt know if it was giving me hope or crushed my hope.

          "Wow....noone ever told me that though" I commented with a smile darting my eyes towards where my food which I'd tossed all around my plate lay. He'd called my eyes pretty,but they werent mine. I didnt know how to feel about it.

         Silence lingered between us for a while before he spoke up again. "Your bracelet looks familiar though" He asked making me look up then follow his line of vision to the bracelet on my wrist. "I think I've seen it somewhere"

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