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Dedicated to Anumba Somtochuckwu Nancy.

        ~•Living as two,loving as one•~


         Did I expect any of this? Not at all. Was I surprised though? Not at all. It hurt to see someone I'd called my friend for more than a year practically abduct me just because I didnt reciprocate his feelings. In my defence,he never mentioned it to me until I was practically mad over someone else.

         It was like a deja vu but this time,instead of waking up to the faces I didn't know,my eyes fluttered open to meet the Alaina,Hadley and very shockingly my mother staring down at me expectantly.

         Just like the last time,someone called out to the nurses and before I could comprehend what was happening,I was being examined and fresh IV fluids were being attached to my drips.

        Just like the last time,it took me a while to recall and the minute I did,I started asking for Sean. The part which had stricken my memory the most was him getting shot.

        Alaina and Hadley tried to hold me back saying I wasn't strong enough yet and that Sean was fine,he'd woken up just a few hours before me. I didnt believe their words though until he walked right through the door of my ward,in a hospital uniform just like the one I was on.

         Joy zapped through my veins as I climbed off the bed,rushing into his arms and feeling myself finally relax. I was more than happy that he was okay,although he did look much paler than I did.

         Turned out I suffered from a dehydration,had a bit of fever and my ulcer had been reignited. Even though I had no broken bones,I was still going to stay some days at the hospital.

         I wasnt worried for myself though,I was more worried for Sean. He had a very deep injury at his back,very close to his shoulder due to the gunshot and was prone to metal poisoning if his injuries werent taken proper care of. Sometimes,he tended to sleep for very long hours due to how fatigued he was always feeling.

         Now I felt exactly how he felt when I was sick,I finally understood what it meant for someone you loved to go through pain because of you. I did all that was in my power to make sure he was always comfortable and happy,whenever his nose crinkled up in pain,I felt a part of my heart sink.

         His father visited everyday and I had to say,he was much more emotional than even my own mother. What shocked me even more was that my Dad actually came to see us at the hospital,it was shocking and surely,a bit touching.

        Things finally started getting better after about a week,I got discharged before Sean but I stayed back at the hospital because I didnt want to leave him although he'd pressured me to leave.

         Uma and Xander were going through court trials and even though Boxu didnt talk much about it when he came to see us,I could tell by his almost disoriented manner of speech and looks how much it was taking a toll on him.

         "Are you sure you're okay with this? We can go back if you want" I told Sean as we strolled to a different corner of the airport where private planes were parked,surrounded by a good amount of security knowing how much the tabs were on us after everything that had happened.

        "Its fine really,you've said that almost thirty times now" he gave a low chuckle as I wrapped my hand around his torso. "That's an exaggeration" I chuckled back as we reached the plane.

        "You're worrying too much,I'm okay. You heard the doctor when he said I could move around freely now" he told me as the few bags of ours got carried into the plane.

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