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         I trailed stealthily behind Sean as he made a his way into his house. I wasnt mentally prepared for this,I had no clue what the hell I was going to say or do. But one thing was sure,I was going to seize this opportunity and try explain things to him,even though I couldnt justify myself.

        "What happened?" He questioned when he'd noticed I'd stopped following him when he started ascending the stairs. The air conditioning had cold seeping into my body rapidly making me quiver. I slowly looked to him with my gaze I was sure was as apologetic as ever.

         He gazed down at me for a while before climbing down to where I stood and taking my palm in his. "Come on" he told me before he began to lead us both up the stairs. Admist the chills that currently ran through my body,my palms went sweaty as they met the familiar hoarseness of his.

        When we reached the top of the stairs,I attempted pulling my hand away but he held it back,giving me one look before pulling me down the hallway again. Each time he did that,I felt like I'd lost my will to breath.

         As much as I wanted to talk to him,I had some strange fear in me. Fear,something that had ruined me up to this extent.

        "You should dry off,dont catch a cold" he told me after he'd shut the door of his room behind us and his hand finally left mine. I looked around the room,a nostalgic feeling attacking me as I realised it had been since I'd been there.

       "Dont stand there,come here" Sean voice pulled me out of my trance as I looked to where he stood by the door of his closet. My lips pinched to a corner as I finally started approaching him after a bit of hesitation.

        He placed the towel I'd noticed was in his hands around me before grasping my shoulders and leading me to the bathroom. "Take a warm bath and come out. Tell me if you need anything" he told me.

        "I can just use the other room..." I started lowly gesticulating with my thumb but he was quick to cut me off. "No,use here" he told me. "Um..."I started and he leaned on the door frame,watching me struggle with my speech. I felt flustered,but what could I do?

        "..Can I at least get something to change into?" I inquired. "Sure,pick out anything you'd like" he told me before walking out of the bathroom. I shut my eyes for a bit,clutching the fabric over my chest as I tried to steady my breath. This was almost the weirdest situation I'd found myself in a long time. Coming out of exile to meet someone that probably hated the sight of me.

         I gulped a great deal of saliva down before moving out of the bathroom and heading for the closet. After looking over the clothes,I picked out one of his sweatshirts which I was sure would be more or less of a gown on my body.

         I threaded out of the closet and when I got out,I noticed him sitting at a far edge of his bed staring down at the floor. I bit my lip as I stared at him studying every bit of his features in the process. He seemed a bit fazed off,his caramel hair looked out of place and his waist coat was either a size bigger than his normal ones or he'd gotten smaller.

         His amber orbs flickered to where I stood and I quickly averted my gaze. My hands clutched the fabric in my hand as I motioned to scurry back into the bathroom. "Is that what you're going to wear? Its really cold you know" he told me. I looked between him and the suit jacket he'd placed over me a while ago.

        "Its okay for me" I barely whispered back before finally scurrying into the bathroom. I held my palm over my chest to calm my beating heart as I locked the door behind me. My emotions were all of over the place,Sean's scent wheezing over my nose continuously made my brain feel even more foggy.

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