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        "Sean where are you?"Dads voice boomed through the car as soon as I connected my phone to it and picked his call. I hadn't seen him throughout the week but he'd been so out on me to attend this dinner.

         "Dad,I'm almost there,I just entered the estate and it might take a while for me to navigate the particular house" I told him although I knew that was quite easy for me to do.

          "Oh please,dont give me that hogwash Sean,just hurry up" he told me before hanging up. I sighed as I continued swerving my way through the estate. I tried my very best to be as punctual as possible but Dad was still putting me under pressure.

          I finally found the house,noticing Dad's car pass through the gates which I followed suit after a brief security check at the gate. I parked my car beside Dad's before turning off my ignition. I looked over my choice of dressing,quite simple if you'd ask me but I think I'd done a good job.

          I'd gone with a suit instead of a tuxedo,a grey suit coupled with a pair of black leather brogues. I'd applied more gel on my hair than usual so it would stand perfectly.

         I climbed down from my car not bothering to access their mansion,it was just like every other one I'd seen anyway. "Good evening Dad" I greeted Dad as he approached me.

        "Of course,I should have known you wouldn't do much on the side of dressing" he sighed scanning me and I gave a simple laugh. Dad knew I never dressed much for occasions that I wasnt too interested in.

       "Your graces" We heard a feminine voice call which made us both turn to the porch where they stood.

        "Orlando!" The elderly man which I figured was Ariana's father greeted as he approached where we stood,bringing Dad into his embrace. "Its so good to see you again"

        "Its really good to see you again Vince" Dad replied embracing him back. "How have you been Amelia?" Dad said turning to the woman which stood beside Vince.

         "I've been very good Orlando and this must be Sean" she said turning to where I stood a few inches behind Dad.

        "Good evening" I greeted with a small smile. "Oh hello dear,its been so long since we last saw you,you've grown so well" Amelia said coming to stand beside me.

         "Orlando,you never told us that Sean had grown to like a movie star" she cooed yet again and I made sure to keep the smile plastered on my face.

         "Oh...I didnt?" Dad started looking to me confusedly. "Maybe because I never saw it that way" he said making everyone crack up.

        "You're still this way after all these years Orlando" Amelia said as the laughs died down. "Oh,we shouldnt keep you all outside, this way please" Amelia said ushering us into the mansion before our sight.

       "Meet our daughters Orlando"Vince started as we got to the table which had servants bustling all around. The two girls which Vince referred to stood just before the enormous glass table and gave a brief curtsy. I'd forgotten the last time I'd seen a curtsy.

         "Good evening Your graces"

         Even if I tried to,I couldn't mistake one twin for the other. Ariana looked just like I'd seen her the last time,her fringe was larger today perhaps her hair had grown. Her shades still sat before her eyes and her lips were still coated in that deep purple lipstick.

         While her curtsy was rather delayed, that of her sister was brief and nonchalantly. While she was clothed in a free A-line gown,her sister was clothed in a white lace sleeved shirt, a black leather skirt and a black pair of boot heels to go with. Ariana's hair was plain blonde but her sister's had streaks of red at the bottom. In summary, her sister looked much more confident and rebellious than her.

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