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"So how are they now?" I asked Hadley as she drove, heading for the company. She'd finally decided to head back home on Saturday so she'd left my keys at the flower pot in the porch before leaving because I was away during the weekend.

I was happy that she'd finally gained enough courage to face her situation because I felt it would be better for her if she did. At least she would get her answers from her parents,they were going to get separated either ways. It was better to watch her go through her pain then help her up than to watch her avoid it forever.

"They are going through with the divorce,it was inevitable anyway,Dad had already made up his mind" she told me trying her best to act strong as she focused on the road.

"It'll all work out Hadley" I comforted as we pulled through the security at the gates of the company and into the parking lot. "I hope so" she sighed as we got off. Hadley had shown up at my house super early this morning saying that she couldnt be alone and I was more than glad to be her company. We were spending less time together lately due to my busy schedule at the office and of course,Sean.

"Viola,have you seen this?" She asked pulling my attention to her phone as we got through the ID pass and headed for the elevator.

"What's that?" I asked her as her expression morphed into an even more surprised one. "Oh my God!" She mumbled under her breath and I quickly turned her phone my way to see what got her stopping in her tracks.

"What the...?" I questioned as I stared at the pictures which were displayed on her screen. "Where did you get this Hadley?" I asked scrolling through them over and over again.

"Its all over my department's groupchat,apparently people at the company must have been quick to notice something was up" she told me.

There were photos everywhere and about everything. From the first day Sean took my hand in his and most others from when I'd met him at the supermarket. This was what I hated about people,they always took it upon themselves to create unnecessary ruckus.

"Just look at the caption" Hadley said drawing my gaze to the message written below the pictures.

"Sleeping Beauty finally shows her true colours,hasnt been up to half a year and she's already out for our CEO,so much for pretty and innocent" I read it out like in a whisper.

"Sounds like something Isla would have written" I told her as I pressed the button beside the elevator and waited for it to open before we got in.

"Sean wouldnt know about this right?" I asked her.

"Viola,is that really what's important?" She asked me. "Besides you know the people involved are always the last people to find out"

"Good then" I replied with a nod.

"This is serious Viola,your face is very clear in all the pictures,rumours are going to surround you,it might get worse" she told me.

For some reason,I wasnt feeling too bothered about the rumours. I knew what I was getting myself into and I was ready to face anything for it. This seemed like a stepping stone if you asked me.

"You're not one to be bothered about rumours Hadley" I gave a dry laugh.

"This isn't about me Viola,its about you and I'm not even on your floor any more, theres no way I'll know if someone tries to pick on you" she told me as the elevator came to a stop on her floor.

"I appreciate your concern for me but I know what I'm getting myself into Haldey,I expected this" I told her despite the concerned look she was giving me.

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