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        I stilled as the sound of an all too familiar voice hit my ear drums,could my auditory nerves be deceiving me? I averted my gaze from the papers in my hands to the direction of the voice.

        My brows furrowed as I watched her make her way towards where I stood,a large smile playing on her lips. I hadn't seen her in years neither had she ever set foot in my company. Seeing her now,right here had me shocked in all possible ways.

         I stared at her as she reached where I stood. Like as if the shock wasnt enough for me,she circled her arms around me,placing her head on my shoulder. She still had this aura around her,forever confident and high-esteemed.

         After the amazement had worn off and I had come to the realisation that I wasnt seeing things,she was actually here,I peeled her hands off me before taking a step back to look directly at her.

        "Cant you at least hug me back Sean? You're seeing me for the first time after all these years" she told me.

       "What are you doing here?" I asked her as I couldnt wrap my head around why she was in my company and why she had dared to hug me.

         "What do you mean Sean? I'd clearly asked my PA to send an e-mail to your department inform you that I would be coming to review the contract"she explained.

        "But you always send representatives,why..." she cut me off before I could send another question her way.

        "Sean,can we at least talk in a more comfortable place,I just got back to the country you know,standing here is simply excruciating" she said with her usual sly smile.

        Though unsure of her intentions,I ushered her into my office not wanting to forget my manners behind.

       "You're here for the contract right?" I inquired as she took a seat on one of the sofa's and I headed for my office table.

        "I just got here Sean,let's at least talk a bit. Are you in that much of a haste to send me away?" Her voice came up from behind me.

       "I have nothing to talk about with you Uma"I stated bluntly,keeping my face as stoic as possible. Yang Uma Zhen was a like a bad memory,one that I never wanted to resurface.

        She gave a small chuckle"Thank goodness,I almost thought you'd forgotten my name" she told me which made me pause what I was doing.

       "Why are you really here?" I asked her coming to seat at the sofa just before my desk.

        "In case you've forgotten Sean,I'll refresh your memory" she started. Of course,she wouldnt be Uma if she imbibed a bit more manners. "Zhen Group is a contractor to yours and apparently I have to be present at the conference meeting for the new brand,I just came in early to have a quick review of the contract" she explained further as she crossed her legs and interlaced her fingers against her knee.

        "Which you should clearly be in possession of" I retorted. "Did I commit a crime by coming to visit you Sean?" She asked me as I moved back to my table and pressed the button on the telecom. I'd rather give her what she wanted and have her out of my office that to sit there and have petty word exchanges with her.

       When the buzzer had been replied I went back to where I sat before her. "I see you havent changed one bit Sean,still as calm as ever" she blurted. "It really irked me a lot back in the days you know"

        "I don't think your purpose here is to engage in such conversations" I stated calmly yet again. Dont get me wrong,deep within my blood boiled and my brain steamed. I hated the sight of her,but I always put my anger in control.

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