27. 06. 20

8 0 0


Half of my face feels like it is about to fall off.

I had so many things I wanted to write on here but I just forgot all of them.

Last night, I watched Youtube until like, 2am?

Not much I can say about that.

Also, I found out that some discord servers can be quite scary. Especially if they know you're a newcomer.

The rate that people type is just, unbelievable. It scares me how fast one's discord notifications blow up in the main chat.

Now, I'm kinda frightened to go and check them again. I'm not really a fast-paced thrill seeker so I'll pass.

I'm more of the, lie down on the floor of your bedroom type of mood.

As of this moment, I want to feel inspired to scroll down all my thoughts in like an endless stream of consciousness, you know, like how a contrail from an airplane leaves its presence in a shapeless, stream through the clear blue sky?

But instead, my thoughts right now are sputtering little puffs of smoke, struggling to push the airplane up and away.

I just can't seem to take off today.

This might be too obvious, but I definitely think that I pushed myself too far last night. And tbh, I have pretty low standards when it comes to getting sleep.

Scientists say that sleep is good for cognition because it cleans out all the leftover toxins and byproducts from the gazillions of synapses that happen in our brain from the day.

But, as of now, my brain is fucking clogged like shit in a sewage pipe. I barely even am consciously typing at this point.

I feel like my body is wrapped in a warm, freshly cleaned towel, but I just farted in it.

I'm about to leave my house now, but I don't want to leave. Nope. I wanna stay here, slumped in my chair, barely blinking, and left alone. However, my parents want to go out and buy whatever at Costco.

My face is peeling off of my head. That is how a bad night of sleep feels like. How do you expect me to speak, let alone walk?

I'm an onion, but my layers are soggy, and filled with mud.


I'm still worried about getting a job. Maybe that's why, I couldn't sleep.

Nope, I don't wanna think about it. Too much shit is on my mind. Literally.

Okay, well, maybe I'll counsel you another day.

This is Cal, signing off.


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