Chapter 1: Revenge

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⚜️Revenge is best served cold, darling.....⚜️



It was cold. The rain dug into her skin mercilessly, yet she stood motionless staring at the graves, her eyes gave away nothing but emptiness.

Two-faced creatures littered the funeral grounds - humans they were called, expressed their condolences while occasional sobs of emotional women's reverberated through the air.

She knew their words were but empty promises.

She wore a black knee-length dress, her hair left open to dance in the rhythm of the wind.

She felt nothing.

She knew she should, her conscience constantly reminded her that those were her parents.

They gave life to her. But now they were gone. She searched deep within her being, pursuing for atleast a semblance of grief.

She came up empty.

She recalled having little to no emotions since early childhood, granted that she was still a five year old, yet she was long aware of her lack of empathy, she knew that wasn't normal.

Suddenly a black car pulled up at a distance with a somewhat dramatic entrance, even her five year old self could tell it was classy.

A man seemingly around his late 20s was ushered out by his driver towards the graves.

He stood in front of the grave with a sorrowful expression yet he spoke no words.

Alestia admired this man. He knew better than to say words to a grave, she was realistic, she knew graves were non-living beings that they couldn't hear or respond. As she further observed the man, he turned and stalked towards her.

"Alestia?" He inquired. Although something told her he already knew that. She hummed in response, her brain already making assumptions on the man's connection to her parents.

"I would like to speak with you..... possibly in a more-" he paused searching for the right word "private environment." he finished.

She knew he wanted away from her so-called relatives of her who had come running hearing of her parent's death.

Well she had to admit though, the temptations of her inheritance were hard to resist.

Whatever job her parents did sure payed a hefty amount. If she didn't know that they weren't actually doctors by now, she wouldn't be a Valentin.

She nodded towards the man, who then beckoned her towards the expensive car. The luxurious leather interior was now wet from her soaking dress, yet the man didn't seem to mind. The man finally broke the awkward silence.

"I am Richard Steele-" he began only to get interrupted by her.

"They worked under you didn't they?"

She went straight to the point. Introductions could wait. The man seemed shocked at her assumptions yet regained his composure shortly afterwards.

Fast thinker, she noted in her observation.

"Yes, but how did you....." he trailed off. She rolled her eyes, unhappy at his questioning.

"It's obvious. Why else would you pay for the funeral or talk to me at the expense of getting your leather seat wet?"

She replied sassily, vaguely recalling someone talking about some Richard, who had payed for the funeral services.

He narrowed his eyes at her.

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