Chapter 21: Dress

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There's something about getting hot and heavy in public that gets me going......⚜️



This was torture.

As expected the devil's incarnate had been tossing me around in a scorching hurricane of hell fire for the past couple hours.

Yes, hours.

Every now and then Levi threw pitying glances at me.

The hurricane being batches and batches of clothes thrown towards me in the dressing room.

"Not this one either, with your pale skin I thought white would look good but it makes you look like a ghost."

She comments in distate.

For the past 4 hour she had an excuse for ditching every dress.

Levi finally speaks.

"You know what, I'll choose for her."

I look at him with what one would call eyes of worship.

Utter worship and devotion.

The eye signal 'save me from this witch' seemed to have finally reached him.

He searched through the racks taking out a dress once in a while then stuffing it back in when it failed to meet his requirement.

Bottomline, he wasn't helping.

It took him fifteen minutes before he finally stared starry eyed at a black backless dress.

He turned it towards me and squinted his eyes as if  telepathically seeing how I would look in it.

His eyes turned even brighter after his mental evaluation and he held the dress expectantly towards me.

I couldn't refuse those eyes.

Tsking in annoyance I grabbed ahold of it making my way into the stall, not bothering to lock as Levi and Aurora both stood outside.

I took of my tshirt for the nth time in the last hours but before I could get if off my head the door slowly swung open.

I was in a horrible positioning. The tshirt had chosen the perfect timing to get stuck on my head and my limbs had tangled wonderfully around it.

"Created a wonderful mess of yourself, haven't you...."

A husky voice broke the defeaning silence.

A pair of chilly hands trailed slowly over my waist moving upwards and with one of them slipping into my bra.

"L-levi get me out of this."

He left a wet kiss on my shoulder as a reply.

His right hand had found itself around my left breast, playing ever so slightly with my right nipple while his left trailed downwards. Unbuttoning,  my jeans he swiftly pushed them down before ordering me to get out of them all while keeping the other hand on my chest.

I voicelessly obeyed.

He withdrew his hand and freed me from the tangled mess, smirking slightly at my flushed expression.

Taking off the dress from the hanger he gestured for me to raise my arms and carefully put it on.

He stared at me with hooded eyes through the mirror his hands wrapping around my waist as a familiar bulge dug into my ass.

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