Chapter 28: Ruthless

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⚜️My secret inside I keep, hid under lock and key...⚜️



It was annoying, infuriating even to watch my "father" all calm and collected sitting in his overly expensive leather seat, one leg crossed over the other.

The worst part was this guy was looking intimidating without even trying too.

Currently we were in another country a safe 3 hour distance from dear old Italy, yes I counted the time, but what country it was?

Dear dad wouldn't inform me.

As if I would magically telepathically tell the HQ about our whereabouts, considering he had taken away my phone and laptop.

I stared at him calmly.

Or well tried to but my evading eyes and fidgeting leg and weren't helping.

But that wasn't much right?

Yeah, totally not nervous alright.

This guy wasn't joking when he said he'd kill me and Rose if I didn't choose to go with him.

Trust me I tried.

But I immediately shut my trap and chose to obediently go along with him when my sass had caused him to pick up the plyer from the 'torture table' and advance slowly towards Rose saying,

"I never said I would make your deaths easy."

That was one lesson learnt not to provoke him too much.

This man was a fucking pyscopath.

Just the thought that the same blood flowed through my veins was enough to make me shiver in disgust.

As if the self hatred I had wasn't enough.

It wasn't that I hadn't thought of seeing a therapist. I did actually.

But then something clicked. I would be spilling my deepest darkest secrets to someone I didn't know.

More importantly, someone I was paying to get to listen to me.

And if that didn't make me take a uturn.

There were something Alestia didn't know. Somethings she didn't need to know.

My head was a dark place. A scary lonely place. A place I wouldn't ever want to let her in.

It was scary how she always managed to make me reveal a bit of it but that was just it.

A little bit.

Never would she know more.

She wouldn't know how each and every time I see her I feel like I don't deserve her.

She wouldn't know, the sleepless night because I was scared she would leave me.

She wouldn't how each time I was remotely rough with her, how the guilt plagued me despite her liking it.

She wouldn't know.

I wouldn't show.

I smiled slightly recalling the first rime I cried infront of her. I needed no therapist she was enough.

My mood darkened however as I recalled how harshly his men had thrown Rose off the car when we left.

Father here, just dismissed my glare and curses with a nonchalant look while I could only helplessly look on as his dogs held me from launching at him.

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