Chapter 14: Help

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⚜On the surface I'm fine what's beneath it....⚜



Aurora stares in horror at Levi's grumpy figure on the bed. She opens and closes her mouth, gaping like a goldfish.

"Tell me I didn't cockblock you both!" She utters with dread.

Actually, you did.

Levi glares at her.

Well, he was the one left with blue balls so he has a right.

Aurora sinks onto the small couch digging her head onto her hands.

"How could I? Like, me of all people cockblocked. Maybe I should kill myself to repent?"

She dramatically rambled on as if she had murdered us.

Nope, murder wouldn't have affected her that way.

Suddenly, the doorbell went of once again. The muscular figure of Ace came to sight as I open the door.

"Oh hey, Alestia, the dean was asking for both you and icecub...."

He trailed off as his eyes trailed on Aurora's hunched figure. As if sensing his stare, she looks up and freezes.

I look at her in confusion, her reaction was anything but ordinary.

Did they know each other?

I look at Ace again only to see his eyes glow, the previously dull brown eyes now glowed almost with a tint of red .

Yes, glowed.

Maybe it was just an illusion, or hallucination of mine. But before I could take another look, Aurora ran towards him, pushing me away gently, before turning harshly pushing him to the ground.

Talk about difference in treatment.

Ace who had closed his eyes on the impact, was again cruelly slapped by her, before he could reopen them. She leaned down, whispering something imperceptible to him before getting up with a sheepish smile.

"Oh ummm, his face was pissing me off so I-uh kinda wanted to rough him up a bit?" She stuttered out expecting me and Levi, who had let of his grumpiness and gotten out of bed, to believe her.

Definitely not suspicious.

"What the fuck dude?!"

The "roughed" up Ace finally stood up and glared at her with a menancing look, Aurora however wore an innocent look, as if she hadn't slapped a guy she just met and waved him off casually as if he was a kid.

Seemingly desperate to change topics Aurora once again spoke.

"Don't you guys have to go to the dean? It's bad manners to keep the elderly waiting, off you go." She preached rightfully.

Aurora was speaking about manners?

What's next?

"Levi admitting he is gay?"

I stared at Levi as if waiting for him to confess. He stared back in confusion for a few seconds before gesturing me to walk forward towards the dean's office.

This was another strange habit that had developed, in the period without Levi.

A talking subconscious.

"You mean a magnificent, sarcastic and humble subconscious."

You forgot narcissistic and hypocritical in the list.

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