Frequently Ask Questions

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Frequently Ask Questions
Riccs Palacio

Who I really Am?

What kind of person I am?

Why Me?

Where I am now?

Why I am here?

How did this happened?

Are you happy?

Aren't you happy?

Aren't you tired?

I am feeling tired?

Will you fight?

Will you give it up?

Why it is only me?

Aren't they tired?

Why blame me?

What's wrong with me?

Why this pain kills me?

How will I end this?

Where to go?

What to do?

What is the reason?

Why can't stop?

Will I survive?

Am I a loser?

Am I not enough?

Why I am weak?

Why I am not strong?

Should I move on?

Why I can't fight?

How to choose happiness?

How I will make myself proud and contented?

Will I make it?

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