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I got this today

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I got this today. Will it be helpful to me?
Only time can tell.

Might as well introduce myself. I mean, I probably know myself very well, but in case somebody else reads this, I might as well just explain who I am.

My name is Min Yoongi. I'm one of the rappers in BTS. It had always been my dream to get to where I am now. Now that I'm here, I can always look back and say that I was very successful. Though there are times that are hard, I'm out here living my best life.



I don't really know what to write so I'll just write more about myself.

I have an older brother. His name is Geumjae. I haven't talked to him in a little while because both of us have been busy, but he's a good brother. Well, as good as brothers can get anyway. No, no he's nice. Don't get me wrong.

I like music. I think I spend the majority of my day on my laptop, playing around with that kind of stuff. Music producing is probably my main hobby. I haven't written a ton of lyrics, but hey, the stuff that I have written is pretty good. It just uses up more of my brain and that's always a bother.

I also have an interest in psychology because why not? The way humans think is kinda funky and I've always found it kind of cool. Now, I don't enjoy it enough to actually pursue it, which my parents would rather me have done, but I'm always down to watch YouTube videos about some obscure facts.

Truth be told, I always put up this façade of being a super hard worker when in reality, I'm not. I waste a lot of time. I procrastinate a lot. And it makes me get very frustrated and sometimes I get really angry over small things.

I guess this diary is where I'll be dumping most of my life's sadness. Just anything really. I want to get more into writing. You know, most poetic, interesting people kept diaries. I want to be one of those. I want people to read my writing and feel something. Like understood. Like even though we live totally different lives, maybe even totally different time periods, we are still together. Somehow. Because you know, some things just don't change.

Okay, now I'm getting awfully very deep and truthfully, I'm nowhere near this level in real life. Actually, I'm a very positive person.

So... yeah.

There are a few people in our group. I guess I should feature them because they are very prominent characters in my life.

There's Namjoon, who is the leader. He is very reliable. Kind of clumsy though. There's Seokjin, who I just call Jin because why not, and he's older than me. Thinks he's very funny (he's not). There's Hoseok, who I honestly think is the most complicated. He holds his grudges but is very forgiving. An enigma really. Then there's Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, who are the youngest out of all of us. They never fail to remind me that they are.

So the seven of us, we know each other very well. That's what happens when you start living together as teenagers. We weren't always this friendly with each other, trust me. We had lots of fights.

(Okay, I started most of them.)

I don't know, after a while, you start embracing each other's differences.

Back in the olden days, me and Jin used to share a room. Good Lord, him and his nagging used to screw me around. He always like "Yoongi, clean this", "Yoongi, stop making a mess" and it was so annoying. But now I get it. He's just a maniac when it comes to cleaning. I know that I used to nag at him a lot too. But he never said anything back. I used to always lose my temper at him and say things that I deeply regret. He never said anything to that effect to me though.

I really hope he know that I didn't mean any of that.

Okay, so that's my life. As you can tell, I'm very busy right now. I will try my best to update this. I've never been all that good at it.

But let's see.


724 words

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