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At dinner time today, Jungkook asked Jin if they could play video games together. The way he asked him, I could tell he was trying to cheer Jin up. But Jin hyung said no.

In every spare moment, Jin hyung locks himself in his room or goes on his phone and scrolls through something. He isn't talking to us.

The producers weren't here with us today. I wanted to ask why they said what they said. I'm fuming out of rage. From what I've heard from Joon, the producers decided that they're going to write another song for Jin. Hyung isn't even going to be able to perform his own song with his own lyrics.

I should do something. Maybe I should go and comfort him? Taehyung tried to do that yesterday and Jin pushed him away...

I'll see. Maybe I can produce the song for him. Then maybe the idiots will see how talented hyung is.

Love, Yoongi


159 words

Also, for the second time, got tagged a bunch of times

Tagged by KimLunaRJ2

1. Last science partner?
I don't have that in my school

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