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So it's Yoongi from the plane

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So it's Yoongi from the plane. Yet again. There's only about 45 minutes left until landing and I can't wait to get off this plane and stretch my legs. It's been a long ride.

For the past few hours I was supposed to do some writing and some thinking, but I wasn't able to do any of those.
As you might remember from earlier, I mentioned that Jin was mumbling things in his sleep and I got confused and yeah.

So, to tell you the whole story, you see I had to hurry then because I had gotten a little worried, I will start from the time when Jin started drinking.

The flight attendant was handing out some drinks and Jin asked for the soju. He doesn't usually drink on planes, so I was very confused. But whatever, it was really none of my business.

I can't help but stick my nose into other people's matters though if I'm interested. That is something you should know about me.

Anyways, he drank like two glasses, so not that much. Then he fell asleep soon after. It was all very strange. He doesn't usually fall asleep after drinking, quite the opposite actually. He usually gets hyper. But ah well.

So then he started mumbling.

And then you know, I cleaned his mouth because he was drooling and yeah.

Then he mumbled something again. I might not have caught all the words, but basically it was some bullshit about how he wasn't "good enough" at singing and how he needed to work harder. He kept repeating the same sentences again. So I got a little worried.

I put away this precious little notebook and the pen that I stole from the hotel we stayed in last year carefully, and reached across to him. I had to take off my seatbelt because, well, I had to sort of turn around in order to face him. It was really awkward, trust me, it was nothing like the movies or fanfictions.

Anyway, I kind of pulled him into my arms. He was shaking in my grip. So like, I kind of just sat there, with my arms around him and his chin resting on my shoulder.

It was awkward. Really awkward.

But Jin woke up soon after. I could smell the very slight smell of alcohol in his breath, but it wasn't too noticeable. He was more confused than anything else.

"Yeah, Yoongi, why are you so close to me?" he said. (I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something along these lines.)

Then I told him how he was mumbling and how I decided to wake him up from that.

His eyes widened. He shook his head and started saying how he didn't mean any of it, how he was sorry and blah blah blah.

And yeah, basically then I had to somehow calm him down from that. It took me a while. He had really started to panic. He was thinking that he had said something negative against us in his sleep - like, my good sir, I don't think you would say something like that. And even if you did, you would have your reasons.

Then, you know, he started crying and I had to comfort him through that.

I might sound like I was annoyed by this whole thing, but trust me, I wasn't annoyed. Not even close. It was heartbreaking seeing him cry. I mean, we've all see each other cry before. But this was different. I'm no writer, but what I mean is, he looked so sad that it made me sad too.

I think the others heard and saw too. Namjoon and Taehyung saw for sure and the others must've heard, because they were all whispering back and forth. I kind of wish they didn't do that because now Jin is embarrassed.

The flight attendant probably thought he was drunk crying lol.

How do I make him feel happier?


662 words

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