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I think we're all falling apart lol. Jin hyung hasn't come out of our room in two days. Jimin has ankle issues. Hoseok's in the hospital because of some electrolyte imbalance. Namjoon spent yesterday throwing up, and when Taehyung took him to the hospital, we found out he has a concussion. We're letting him sleep for now. And Jungook... well he came down with the flu. I've been trying to take care of him.

Taehyung is helping me. He is a lifesaver.

Our next interviews and promotions have been postponed. Thank the heavens. We couldn't do them anyway.

I'm so tired. I had to clean up Jungkook's puke three times because he can't aim for the bin right in front of his face.

It's fine. Not like it's his fault. But I'm just so exhausted and I can feel my energy draining.

Jimin is sitting with Namjoon, he shouldn't be walking right now. But he's still trying to help out as best as he can.

I'm worried about Hoseok. I visited him yesterday and he looked really exhausted. The doctors said he needed to stay at the hospital for a few days longer. I want to visit him, but I'm drowning with everything here.

I hope people outside don't find out. They would worry.

Okay, I've taken enough of a break. Let me go make Jin eat something. And maybe get out of his bed and actually come and be out with us in the living room. He doesn't have to do anything. I want to see him happy.

I can feel my legs hurting. Why do I have to be blessed with such a delicate, fragile body?

Because unfortunately, this is the way I turned out to be.


I tried to make him smile. You know, with dumb dad jokes I found on the internet, funny faces, etc. I could tell he was trying to laugh for my sake, but it wasn't genuine. He looked exhausted, so I didn't force him out of the bedroom.

I left him a bowl of fried rice that Taehyung made. I hope he eats it.

I really hope he feels better soon.

Ugh I hate this. Why does so many of them have to be sick at the same time...?

I'll stay with hyung tonight too.


383 words

old note:

12 minutes left of September 1st... it's already over in Korea but happy birthday Kook!

can i get my free candy and hugs now?

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