This is Mochi

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Hey, it's your local mochi here, Park Jimin

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Hey, it's your local mochi here, Park Jimin. Kook told me about Yoongi hyung's notebook and now we're all sitting in Jin hyung's room and reading what Yoongi hyung wrote and writing some things of our own.

Yoongi hyung is going to read this later and get angry, I know. But, you know, that isn't a barrier when you're as cute as me.

(I'm trying to be funny)

The news just came out that Jin hyung tried to jump off that bridge thing.

Every time I look at Jin hyung, I just... feel really sad. He looks so sad. I don't know how to cheer him up. I thought trying to distract him would work, but it's not. Taehyung keeps trying to make him laugh, but we can tell that everything that Jin hyung is doing is super forced.

He needs help.

Gosh. I just can't.

Namjoon said the agency booked us a flight. They're planning on getting us back to Korea by the end of this week. Jin hyung can get the help he needs then. They're looking at therapists, they're trying, and honestly, I don't know how they're able to do it all. I literally can't focus on anything properly nowadays.

Jungkook is always all over hyung, telling him how much he cares about him. I pitch in sometimes too.

Deep down, I know it's not as simple as Jungkook makes it seem. Jin hyung probably knows he's loved. He doesn't really need us reminding him about that. He can just go to Weverse and read all the millions of posts where so many fans are posting about him in hopes of cheering him up (seriously, I couldn't thank them enough).

He knows he's loved. I'm sure he does.

I don't know what exactly it is... is he not happy with the way our lifestyle is? Does he feel trapped somehow? Does he feel like whatever he does is somehow not good enough?

And really, that's the thing there.

(Yoongi's here, I need to go)

(Oh wait, he said he's fine with me writing, let me keep going)

That's the thing here. I'm trying, scratch that, we're all trying to get him to know that we care about him and he's talented and special and loved, and that must sound nice to his ears, but really, if he doesn't accept himself, then really, nobody else can do it for him. Self-love comes from within. It just.... you know what I mean?

The thing that I'm trying to get at is even if we go on saying what we do, it's not enough to help hyung. We don't know what kind of thoughts led him to try and end his life. That's why we need to support him in every way. We need to remind him that he's loved, so when he is getting help, he can know that there are people rooting for him.

(Yoongi's reading over my shoulder, I can hear him crying)

Hey do you remember that live thing we filmed so many years ago? The one where me and hyung were working out together and then I smacked his face with a slipper? We looked so cute there.

Yeah... fun times...

And the way Jin hyung said "no" in that tiny voice hahaha

I don't remember all of it. But out of all the Bangtan Bombs we did, that one stands out to me a lot. It's so weird.

Go on. Go on. Go on.

Yoongi stop.

I wanna hear more.

You're honestly writing all over the page. You're wrecking the aesthetic.

Bold of you to assume that I have an aesthetic.

I'm trying to live here. Just stop.

Don't die please.


Remember that time when me and Jin hyung where doing that vlive together and he tried to teach me how to say "hot dog"?

Remember when Jin said that he "had no friends"? I actually felt hurt lol. How dare he say that he has no friends? What am I then... a potato?

I should just be a potato instead of a mochi now.


(This is Yoongi again)

I'm okay. Jin hyung is okay. We're all going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

Trust me.



people say that time travel doesn't exist, but they clearly haven't watched old bangtan bombs and realized that the most recent comments are from five years ago

i was in grade 4 five years ago

fun times lol

728 words

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