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Okay, it's Yoongi again

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Okay, it's Yoongi again. I'm on the plane still. I know I finished an entry just an hour ago. But it's so boring here and there's nothing to do. Jin took advantage of my free shoulder and started using it as a pillow. It's kind of uncomfortable, but I'm not complaining.

So I decided to work on that song that I'm writing for Jin.

Excuse my random scribbles. That's how I write my lyrics. Behind one song that you hear is a whole another one filled with scrap lyrics and wrong melodies.

Okay, that's enough with my chatter. Better set off to work.

What I have so far:

I'm wondering
Are you my best friend
Feels like a river's rushing through my mind

Are those the right words? I don't know what else to write. I need to start focusing properly.

Usually, when I'm working somewhere, I have my headphones on or tell everybody else to shut up. Now I can't do that. I can hear a baby screaming... ugh...

I need to focus.

So what should I write about Jin?

What do I want him to get out of this song? I don't want a sappy love song that everyone will cringe at. No, I need to make something that sort of gets the message across that I care about him, but without appearing too over the top. You get what I mean?


What do I want to tell him through this song? Do I want to tell him that he means a lot to me as a friend, as a person I can trust?

Seriously, I want to punch him right now.

Ughgh. I can't think of anything. Jin... I want to tell him... I want to tell him that he's more important than he thinks. I want to tell him that he shouldn't worry so much about his position in the group.

But I can't write something like, "I wish you won't worry so much." I'm only assuming that he worries. I don't know for sure.

Ahhhhhhhhh, I don't knowww.

"I wanna ask you if this is all just in my head"

That's it. I've got it. That's the next line.

I'm looking at him again. Maybe looking at his face will help me out.

For Jin HyungWhere stories live. Discover now