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There is no news, I guess? It's been a long time since I actually had the time to write. We have managed to pull ourselves out of that long slump that we were in. Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon are a lot better now. Jin though...

Shit. I can't do this.

My hands are shaking a lot. I'm really nervous.

Tomorrow we're going to the Grammys. Right now, I'm on a flight. There is nothing that I can do other than write, so that's why I bothered to write.

I'm really scared for tomorrow. I'm scared that I'll do something wrong, do something wrong and then everybody will laugh at me. I have to be very careful not to trip as I walk, because people will think I'm strange if I fall.

Exciting world I live in.

I can't see anything out the window. I was one of the lucky ones to get a window seat, but I can't even see anything lol. Ah well. At least I don't have to get up everytime someone needs to go to the bathroom.

So we're in first class because we're rich.

I sometimes miss going on economy class because there is something so liberating sitting on those seats. I can feel free to complain about the lack of leg room, random people sitting right beside me, the screaming baby right in front of me, but now that I don't go on economy anymore, I can't complain. Poor me.

I'm so scared of making a mistake. I'm so scared of people laughing at me and thinking I'm weird or awkward. It's not right. I think about this way too much.

I should write about the others and what they're doing. One thing that I have noticed is that during my solo v-lives, some people always ask for the other members. Makes me think that maybe the others are more interesting.

Jin: is beside me. He's sleeping. That's all he does nowadays. I keep glancing at him and worrying. My worry is skyrocketing.
Anyways, he was going to sit beside Namjoon, as he usually does, but Namjoon was about to fall asleep. We all know the volume of Namjoon's snoring. Him and Taehyung switched seats, and that's how he ended up beside me. He didn't eat anything for breakfast though, because he was asleep. Ah well, lunch is coming.

Hoseok: can't see him lol. He's probably behind me. He's doing well though.

Namjoon: he's right opposite my aisle. Fast asleep. He has this sweet smile on his face. I don't know what he's thinking of, but judging by the look on his face, I think it's probably something about food. Ah well. He's going to have to do lots of translating when we actually do the interviews... so... he should get some rest.

Shit. Why am I still so nervous lol. Shaking isn't fun...

Taehyung: right beside Namjoon, on the window seat. He's wide awake and watching a movie on the screen. He's smiling; who knows what kind of show he's watching.

Jimin: can't see him either. He's beside Hoseok, that's all I know.

Jungkook: right in front of me with Manager. Guess what his favourite thing to do on a flight is? Yep, it's sleeping. He's breathing quite loudly, I can hear it from here.

There. Thinking about Jungkook has made me tired too.

Okay bye...


i hate school, they take a beautiful concept like learning and turn it into something horrendous

thanks for coming to my ted talk

564 words

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