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Jin is missing

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Jin is missing. 

No, this isn't a joke. I don't joke around about things like this. 

Jin is missing. 

We are going to leave for the Grammys in less than two hours and one of our members is gone. 

We looked everywhere, from his hotel room to the restaurants nearby. We called his phone, there was no answer. Then Jimin found his phone sitting with his wallet and other personal belongings next to his suitcase in his room, so that went out the option of calling him. Where would Jin go without his phone anyway? Especially in a place like America where he doesn't know the area well...

Hobeum hyung is really angry - and quite a bit worried. He reported Jin's disappearance to the police. They're looking for him too. Pretty soon, the news will break out and fans will panic. 

We are a mess over here. The last thing that Jin told us was a few hours ago when he said he was going to take a short nap before joining us to get our makeup done. We all left him alone, thinking that he was indeed taking a nap, besides, I was taking a nap too so there was no way I could've gone and checked on him. He must've left then. Or someone might've taken him...

Anyway, things are messed up here. Jungkook is crying so hard that I think all his makeup washed away. Hoseok is trying to calm him down, but it's not having any effect. 

I want to talk to Namjoon, but he's nowhere to be seen. He's probably on the phone with somebody. 

Jimin and Taehyung are huddled in a corner. They are comforting with each other and whenever one of us freak out a bit too much, they are the ones with the loud voices saying that Jin is alright. I'm just sitting on the couch. I can't breathe. This wasn't supposed to happen. 

Guess we're not going to the Grammys after all. Ah well. We wouldn't win anything anyway. 


Hobeum, our wonderful manager, is making us go. He said it would be a waste of the money used to pay for our flight tickets if we didn't go. 

I can't focus on a dumb award show when Jin is missing! He could be dying out there! 

I need to stop catastrophizing- 

I'm scared. Where in the world is Jin? Did somebody come and kidnap in his sleep? Ah... I knew I should've stayed with him...

I need to go. Please, anybody who's reading this, and that's probably nobody, please hope with me that wherever Jin is, he is safe and not hurt in any way. I hope he is found soon, maybe when we come back from the ceremony, and then I can slap him in the face so he learns to never run away like that. Or if someone kidnapped...

Don't have time to make myself clear. Bye.


bad things are happening hehe 👀

be is literally a masterpiece, what are all of your favourite songs from it? mine are life goes on, blue and gray, stay and disease.

488 words

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