Friends or Acquatince part 2

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Mara got dressed in a sunny flower suit and a white blouse with a striped almost plain skirt with brown flower boots. Since Climate Change was around, The wind got a little cooler and Mara decided on different clothes to wear.

She told her family that she would be back and went out the door breathing in the cool air. She sat on the bench waiting for the bus to come until a car pulled over. "Hey Mara!" Mara rolled her eyes and smiled just a bit at Christian who beamed out Mara. " I can give you a ride you know." "i know, but I wanted to take the bus today." She tapped her boots on the concrete and Christian sighed. "I watched the news today and the bus here from flower point is going to be forty minutes late and I know you don't have that type of time so Mrs. know it all, Will you PLEASE get in the car with me so I can take you to school today?"  Mara sighed and got in the car and Chris drove off.

When they stopped in front of the school, Mara didn't get out of the car. " What ?" Christian asked grinning. Mara moved so her whole entire could be facing Christian," We both know that YOU don't watch the news so I'm pretty sure , Mrs. Or Mr. Curtis told you before you left. We also both know that you don't give me rides so what gives? "

"Maybe I just wanted to give you a ride to school today since you know your friends couldn't and y'all couldn't talk about whatever y'all were talking about yesterday so can I at least a thank you?"

" Thank you, Now; Why do you wanna know what we were talking about yesterday?" Christian ran his hands through his hair and clicked his tongue before looking at Mara.

" I just wanted to ask Jayla to go out with me to the Carnival this Saturday or maybe Sunday whatever works." Mara smiled dropped a bit , but she just laughed.

" I didn't know you had a thing for Jayla, Why didn't you tell me?" Mara search in Christian's eyes.

"You don't know a lot of things Mara" Christian said serious.His blue eyes looking in Mara's dark brown eyes. Mara looked away," Well, I'll be sure to ask her okay?"

The warning bell ring and Mara got out," Thanks for the ride Christian, See you around." Mara closed the door and Christian watched her go before he got out himself. He swing his backpack around his shoulder and went to his locker to see Samantha the snake there waiting for him.

She sees him and fixes her skirt and readjusts her shirt to make her boobs pop. She smiles," Hey Christian!"

"Hi Samatha"Christian said uninterested," Did you need something?" Samantha walked closer to Christian and run her hands up and down his chest. She stared up at him with her grey eyes," I was wondering if you wanted to skip school today and come to my house. I'll bet it'll be more fun."

Christian removed her hands and gently placed it at her side," I have a test , So no. Thanks for the offer , I'm sure some unlucky fool would take up for that offer . Bye Samantha." He walked away knowing the unlucky fool would be his best friend, Rick. He sighed and jogged to his class knowing he wasted so much time with Samantha that he couldn't put his backpack in his locker.

He knew he wanted to ask Mara , not her friend.


The lights , the laughing , the smell of food and the distance screams sounds like the time of your lives

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The lights , the laughing , the smell of food and the distance screams sounds like the time of your lives. Mara, Jayla, Clare and Rory were excited none the less, but Mara was nervous since she didn't tell Jayla about Christian request and felt like she didn't want to tell her anytime soon. Mara was a good friend and it up to Jayla so she waited until Clare and Rory ran off like little children to the roller coaster. " Jayla, I need to talk to you real quick."

They went beside a booth and Jayla waited on a nervous friend to say. " Christian wanted to go to the Carnival with you." Mara waited her response until she heard laughter from Jayla. " I know how dramatic you were, Mara ; You know I have boyfriend right?" Mara made the o sign with her mouth, She has forgot that detail. Jayla put her arm around Mara, " Plus we both know who likes who."
"What do you mean?" Mara looked confused and Jayla just hugged her . " My sweet little Mara , Just you wait."

We walked to the roller coaster stand and that's when Mara and Jayla saw Samantha kissing Christian. Right then and there, You could hear someone's heart break. Samantha smiled and saw Mara and Jayla there walking past them," Y'all here enjoying the Carnival?"

Jayla took her earring off and was about to launch at Samantha, Mara stopped;" It's okay Jayla, Let's just have fun."

Christian walked up to Mara watchingJayla walk off,"Mara, I thought we were friends, How come you didn't tell Jayla that I wanted to go with her?" Christian sounded upset,but not entirely upset like he was acting upset.

" You kisses Samantha!"

"Samantha kissed me!! I DIDN'T- Look Mara, Let's just talk okay?" Christian grabbed Mara's hand and lead her in front of a food booth . Christian started ordering food and he turned to Mara," Do you want something?"

"A funnel Cake." Mara crosses her arm together and went to sit down. Christian arrived with two funnel cakes,a hot dog , chili fries with two different type of sodas. He placed the hot dog and funnel cake with the Coke brand soda to Mara and the chili fries and funnel cake with a sprite. "Thanks" Mara said. From a distance, She saw her friends the biggest rollercoaster that they talked about going on. She watched smiling from ear to ear. "Listen, I'm sorry that I almost yelled at you. I just - I don't why Samantha came onto me right i front of you and Jayla."


"She likes you." Mara said bluntly sipping her coke then biting into her hot dog. "What?! The snake of all snakes likes me? No, that can't be it." Mara rolled her eyes at the sarcastic Christian gave her.

"So, You yelled at me; Why?"

Christian just shrugged and sipped his drink.

Mara stared at Christian as he ate his funnel cake. The long eyelashes, The bright blue eyes, and the black hair. How pink can someone lips be? Mara wondered why he was even friends with her or was it that they weren't even friends anymore and more of Acquaintances who talk time from time whoever they were bored or everyone was busy?

"Are we friends Christian?"

"No, Mara."

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