What did Mara want?

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(This is how loving he would look at you and just imagining a life)

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(This is how loving he would look at you and just imagining a life)

(This is how loving he would look at you and just imagining a life)

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(This is how he would look without the hat and being shirtless

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(This is how he would look without the hat and being shirtless. Though, With gray pants)

 Though, With gray pants)

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(Always in style-Author)

Mara sat in her seat waiting for class to start, Rory wasn't her happy self like she was last week. "What's wrong Rory?" Rory shook her head and looked at Mara, "Remember that guy who asked me out? Well he dumped me after finding out that I was trans, but I'm full on girl who just needs a uterus organ  change that's all." Mara hugged Rory," Don't worry I'll fix it." Rory shook her head, " No, Mara ; You don't have to." Mara got up , not listening to the teacher and slammed open the door right in front of her teachers door. " What is the meaning of this?" The old teacher, Mrs.Roller yelled.  Mara stomped her way towards a guy who she thought was a good guy. As she got closer, She saw fear in his eyes. She slammed her hands on his desk, "Are you proud of yourself Max?!!! You hurt and broke a poor girl's heart for what? Because she what?! Trans you dummy. That's low even for you Max." He stayed silent until he looked up at spoke,"I wasn't trying to be mean, I just didn't want anyone to know that's all." Mara crossed her arms, " Like how you don't want anyone else to know that your trans too. Oops sorry, I didn't mean to let it slip." His face showed horror as everyone around started talking to one another. He looked angry, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" He raised his hand and slapped Mara hard in her face that she fell down. "MARA!!" Rory ran to Mara touching her face, " Are you alright?" Rory got up," That's enough." "Shut up T******!!!" Max slapped Rory and he was about to slap Mara again when he was pushed into the wall knocking over the desk. " I want you to try that again with me. Come on and hit me or are you too chicken to do it?" Christian had him all the way up off the ground and they both were staring at each other.

"That's enough boys, CHRISTIAN; Let him go!!" Christian dropped Max and stepped over him. He helped both Rory and Mara, "Are y'all okay?"
"Christian, You're CRAZY." Christian turned around, "Oh, I'll show you crazy." Christian just about to step towards Max again when Mara and a few others stepped in between them stopping them before any more conflict happened. "Mara, Rory , Max , and Christian; Please come to my office." There everyone was , Sitting a few meters from each other. Max and Christian sending death glares at each other while the Principal looked way upset. "Max, You are my son; What was this about?" And Mara explained.

Christian had his arm around Mara as Mara's parents both talked with the principal. The others had left expect for Max, Mara, and Christian who was still sending each other death glares. Mara's Mom slapped Max," Don't you ever touch my child, Do you hear me? Doesn't matter what your gender is now, Don't think that the being opposite gender means power over others , You hear me Max?"
"Yes Ma'am." Max stared at Mara who wasn't even looking at him, but shocked by her mom. Mara never saw her mom raise her voice or her hand, it was scary.

When they got home, Mara's mom went off to bed while Her dad stayed and talked with Christian in which they hugged, Christian came back to the kitchen and leaned against the fridge looking at Mara biting his lip. " I'm sorry about what happened, but I didn't know you could be so brave." Mara crossed her arms and smiled Christian, Well I am My mother's daughter you know." Christian nodded," Yes, You are and a beautiful too." Mara's smile widen at Christian and they went to go seat on the couch and watch Tv. " Where did my dad go?" " He told me to watch you while Your mom and him went out for awhile. They will be back, but for now, You're stuck with me." He leaned closer to Mara and they held hands as they faced the Tv. Mara felt happy, yet worried about her Mom.

Mara called Rory to check up on her, " How you feeling?" Mara asked looking over at sleeping Christian who was softly snoring. "I'm fine, You know, Just got slapped down, but it was like being in WWE for the first time in ages." Mara chuckled, but then dropped her smile," I'm sorry about Max. I shouldn't have encouraged you to talk to him or even date him at the most." " Don't worry about it, It's not your fault. We both thought he was a good guy and look what happened. It was a good experience tho and I enjoyed doing the nasty. He was good at that." " That's how they trap you gurl ." Rory laughed at Mara's joke, " You right about that." There was silence and Mara could hear Christian soft breathing from how quiet it was. " Was he really embarrassed to be seen with me if people knew?" "No, He was just being a close-minded like the rest of them and they do have good people out there , they just behind the bad ones. You'll find the one Rory , Don't worry." "Yeah, I believe that,but I'm going to go okay? I love you Mara." " I love you Rory, Sisters for life." " Sisters for life." And the call ended.

Mara got comfortable towards Christian and kissed his forehead in which he smiled even more. He grabbed Mara's waist and pulled her towards his heart. " Can you feel that Mara?" His raspy voice said,"It's beating for you and only you."

Mara put her hand to his chest and felt as it speed up," I can hear it, Mines is saying the same thing."

That was two updates, I hope you enjoyed , Let me know what you think-S

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