Stage 3-Hurt

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Mara and Christian walked past each other while his arm was around Sandra. They smiling and laughing, but Christian imagined Sandra as Mara and her bouncy curly hair.

Mara went to find Jayla and when she did, She was talking with her boyfriend and Samantha. What was going on today? So instead of her waking up to Jayla , Mara just went to class and sat in between Rory and Clare waiting for this day to be over finally.

Walking down the stairs was something that she didn't want to do just to get downstairs to her second to last class. She wore a skirt today and for the boys, it was good , but not for her When she went down the stairs , they would have boys looking up your skirt or trying to record it. One day, She had accidentally mentioned it to Christian and he got his whole football and soccer team walking down the stairs hushering boys trying to film girls in their skirts to the front office since when a boy report something perverted, they do something about it.

She walked down the stairs and saw Christian,but he didn't see her. He walked up the stairs along side with his teammates who was looking around. She smiled inside my head, but was keeping a straight face when She saw Sandra smirking at her like She just knew that she was staring at Christian.She needed to continue on with her day. She went to her class and before She could even enter, Samantha whooped by and made her drop her books. She was shocked because She didn't want to bend down and get recorded , but who would even help her. She tried my best to cover herself and bend down to pick up her books with one hand while other covering her underwear. Someone hand started grabbing papers,"Here" She took it with glee and grabbed it ,but he wouldn't let go of it. He removed her other hand that was on her skirt and flipped her skirt upwards. In horror, She heard a picture being snapped.

" Christian will enjoy this." She knew it was Samantha as she evilly laughed kissing the boy that helped her taunt her. She hurried with her books and headed to her class filled with embarrassment when She saw others giggling at she walked by towards her seat. She kept her head down and tried her best to forget about it. She knew she was just gong to have to wear pants for this year again.

Was Mara set up by Christian or was this another one of Samantha evil plans to get what she wants?

She was hurt, and embarrassed. She really wanted for school to be over with. She kept her head down throughout while hearing others giggle with their phones out. Others were glancing over at her smiling.

She didn't want to know, but she knew if Christian found out then they they would feel his rage.

But he wouldn't care.

Walking down the sidewalk, I held my backpack by my straps and was about go to the next corner when I bumped into someone when I looked up, I was meet with green eyes. I recognize the face immediately, " I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

I moved around him and continued to walk , feeling a very dreadful feeling in my stomach. I turned around to see Samantha, him and his friends following me. So I started texting Christian as I speed walked.

I was scared

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