Maybe it will better

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( What he is wearing after he take off the sweat pants)

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( What he is wearing after he take off the sweat pants)

( What he is wearing after he take off the sweat pants)

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(This is what she going to wear when she talks off the pjs)

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(This is what she going to wear when she talks off the pjs)

(This is what she going to wear when she talks off the pjs)

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(👆🏾this is her pjs from the night)

Mara woke up from good sleep with an arm around her and breathing on her neck. She turned to face his sleeping form and realize that their lips were too close, She moved away. She looked at what time it was and smiled when she saw June in the text. Her phone buzzed and saw a text message from Jayla all of a sudden.

Jayla: Can we talk?

Mara clicked her phone off and placed it back on the dresser going back to sleep. She held Christian's hand as she was  back falling asleep, but snapped her eyes back open as Christian shift himself in the bed moving his arm slightly towards her left boob. What if she needs my help, Mara thought truly. Mara knew that she lost her friend forever , but maybe she needed her help or wanted to say sorry to her. She moved Christian's arm and shift slowly off the bed trying to not wake up Christian. When she was off the bed completely, She felt him move a little and groan slightly. She rustled around trying to find clothes and some shoes. She put her slippers on and slowly sneaked her way out the window looking back to make sure he was sleep. She climbed down the tree and texted back Jayla. How did she even get her number back?

When she arrived shivering cold, Mara hated how the weather would change, but thanks to Climate change; She shouldn't be surprised. She saw someone walking towards her realized that it was Jayla with mascara running down her cheeks breathing heavily. Mara rushed towards her and grabbed onto her shoulders, " What happened?"
She sniffed and held her stomach, " I'm pregnant."
Mara gasped and covered her mouth as Jayla cried," Did you tell your parents yet?" Jayla shook her head," I'm scared Mara and I know I haven't been around much; But you're the only one who I can talk to about this." Jayla played with her fingers, Swiping at the top of her nail as of to sweep dirt off it. "Let's get something to eat okay?"

"Can I get two double cheeseburgers with fries and a coke and sprite?" " Yes ma'am, That will be 21.30."
"Thank you." Mara and Jayla ate their burgers and sipped their drink in silence. "So, Who's the baby father?" Mara blurted out and sipped her coke. "Samantha's dad." Mara almost slipped her drink all over Christian's car front window. "W-what?" Jayla didn't say anything instead just stared at her cup, " I was hanging out with Samantha and she was plotting a plan to get your heart-broken. I told that she shouldn't do that, but she was upset and it was about the past. She left to go to her room and her dad walked in. He walked up to me and kissed me, He said that he's been fantasizing about me and he knows that I was still in high school; but he wanted to start a life with me. I was shocked to hear it, but all of a sudden, He kissed me again before I could answer and pulled me into his office. Now the rest is history. Please don't tell anyone Mara." "But Jayla, That wasn't-" " I know, but I was scared to get an abortion, but keeping this baby would mean that I would see Samantha's father in him . I don't know what to do." Jayla started crying again and Mara rubbed her arm," I don't know what to do, but do what you feel right. Tell your parents even if they yell at you; They will give you the best advice that they could possibly give to you. You better let your parents know what happened and I know you'll feel better in time." Jayla nodded, " Thank you." They hugged and they smiled at each other.

When Mara climbed back into the window, Christian was on the bed sat upright staring dead at Mara. She got startled and fell in, "Christian! You scared me." As if , Christian didn't hear her;" Where have you been?" "Out." Mara crossed her arms," It's not really your business." Christian got up," Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind if I go to your mom and tell her that you sneaked out." Mara' eyes widen, " You wouldn't Christian." Christian raised his eyebrows, " You really want to bet that sweetheart." Mara could hear how raspy his voice was and watched as he walked to the door making sure it creeped. He inhaled and Mara rushed to him closing the door softly. " Okay, Okay! I was with Jayla." "Why and Where?" Mara rolled her eyes and leaned against the door while Christian sat at the edge at the bed waiting for Mara to respond to him. "Jayla was upset and I took her to McDonald." "That's it?" " Yup" Mara nodded and Christian grabbed her hand. He pulled her to him and hugged her waist then looked up at her," Is there something that you aren't telling me?" " I promise that it's the truth." Christian stared at her longer hoping that she would crack because he knew she was lying. Why was she protecting Jayla? What could be that secretive that would cause Mara to lie to him? Mara sighed," Are we going to cuddle or not?" Christian threw Mara on the bed not too hard and she giggled softly at him. Christian got on top of Mara and they stared at each other for the longest. Christian leaned in and their faces were so close and their lips could have been closer until he moved his lips to Mara's ear. "When the time is right, I'm going to show you something really special okay?" Mara nodded smiling, " When tho Christian?" Christian flicked to a different color before switching to his normal color, " Something." Christian winked and Mara smiled hard. They cuddled and then fell asleep.

When Mara woke up again with the sun in her eyes, She looked at her surroundings and put in her glasses. ( I completely forgot to talk about the glasses this whole chapters 😂😂😂😂-Author) Mara turned around and was faced with Christian's beautiful face in serious mode, She shifted a bit and he groaned loudly before pulling Mara closer and burying his face in her neck. Mara chuckled and caressing his arms that were wrapped around her waist. " Christian, I gotta do my morning routine ; Can you let go?" Christian shook his head, " It's summer and plus your beautiful already. Your glowing." Mara scoffed and rolled her eyes, " You haven't even opened your eyes." " I don't have to Mara, I can see you in my mind already and your beautiful. I don't have to see you to know that." " Ooh so corny." They both laughed and Mara decided to lay back down. She'll do her morning routine later and they fell back to sleep. Maybe it was getting better.

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