Is this the end of what makes my heart beat for you

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"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

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(This is Jasmine. This woman was awesome in Wildn out)

 This woman was awesome in Wildn out)

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(He fine!❤️)

(I changed the name from Chris to Adam and Maya to Jasmine )

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(I changed the name from Chris to Adam and Maya to Jasmine )

(I changed the name from Chris to Adam and Maya to Jasmine )

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Mara looked at Adam in his eyes who smiled at me; "If you don't want to do it then we can just talk some more." "Y-yeah, that would be good. This is a little too f-". The door busted open to show Christian with an angry face," Are you serious?!!!" Christian grabbed Adam and ripped him off of me. I hurried up and put on my shirt," Christian, Please." "SHUT UP!" Mara shut her mouth as Christian glared at Adam," Don't you EVER touch my girl, you hear me? Y'all could have been friends, but I didn't know you wanted MY girl. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you at all, Left you two talk and now, your about get down with the nasty." Christian let go of Adam's shirt and grabbed Mara's arm pulling her out of the party. There was silence in the car and Mara glanced at Christian to see him gripping the steering wheel.

When they arrived at Mara's house , Mara was too afraid to any thing because he could just start yelling out of nowhere. He got out the car slamming it making Mara jump, he went around the other side and opened the door for Mara in which she got out and hurried to get in. She unlocked the door and locked back once they got in. A note on the kitchen table telling her that her parents went on their anniversary date. Mara sighed almost forgetting about what happened and going up stairs in which Christian followed. Mara went in her room to her bathroom and started doing her hair, Christian sat on the bed still with an angry look on his face; He was facing Mara's way and staring at her shirtless figure looking at her stretch marks she always tried to hide from him. He looked at the Mara to see they were making eye contact.

When Mara looked at Christian, His eyes showed angry, but something else and when he got up looking at her at that type of way; It almost made her stomach turn in a good way. Without even realizing it, He was already behind her looking at her body. She felt his cold hands touch her back and make circles which caused her to shiver," W-what are you doing Christian? S-stop it." Mara tried to move, but Christian held her by her waist. "Don't get upset now, That's how you made me feel. " Christian turned Mara around and caressed her cheek and slowly moved his fingers towards her plump lips, " Did he kiss you?" Without hesitation, Mara nodded at Christian and he moved his fingers and started touching her lips, " I'm going to wipe them away." Then he leaned in and kissed her , pulling her closely to him by her waist.

He broke away from the kiss," I hate how he kissed you" He started pecking her lips every sentence he said and Mara was in a daze. He kissed her down her jaw towards her neck trying to find her sweet spot which made her flinch and whimper a little. "Found it." He began sucking on her neck right by her collarbone, Mara gripped Christian's hair which made him vibrate with a groan, " Do that again." And she did. He kissed her in her lips again," if I ever see you with him again, I won't just kiss you no matter how much innocent you have. You understand?" Mara nodded and Christian moved away taking off his shirt then putting on new pair of pants while Mara just spaced out touching her lips. Christian laid down and Mara turned towards the mirror to see a purple and pink dot on beside her collarbone. "Hurry up and come to bed Mara."

Christian was smirking as he fluffed his pillow glancing at Mara's trance and he felt proud. Now, Adam wasn't even a player again in Christian's mind. He felt like he won the game to gain Mara's heart knowing that she loved him even more and was now carving him. He smiled at that thought before closing his eyes.

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