Stage 8- I'm halfway there

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Christian planned to walk in as soon he saw how fast Samantha was walking to class with her yellow tank top and pink skirt with her flower heels. You could hear her from a mile away and when she saw him, She sent daggers his way. Lucky, he asked the front desk teacher who he's friends with to change his six Period for extra work and more time In the class; The teacher agreed smiling.

"Mr.Prez, How may I help you today?" He decided to act innocent,"Hi, Mrs. Smith; I asked to change my class and I can't seem to find it and I thought a young smart lady like you was able to help me...." he looked around to see people smiling and waving at him. They all were giving him fluttered smiles when he smiled at all of them," If you weren't busy." He flashed a shy smile at the teacher and in the back, You could hear Mara fake gagging with Rory. When he turned to Mara, He was in a daze for minute, The way she glowed even in the school lighting; He thought she was beautiful then all a sudden, He imagined her in a wedding gown and he snapped out of it just in time. " Yes, it seems like you're in the right place, Please have a seat and then after class, I will explain what we are doing." Mrs. Smith smiled at Christian and he nodded making his way to the seat in back of Mara. "Yes Ma'am."

Mara couldn't believe it, Why was Christian in her class now? She ignored the way Samantha was glaring at her to look at Christian who was talking with a few her classmates. All of them didn't seem to expect her, She decided to talk to him right then and there. "Christian ....psst Christian." He turned around smiling with his eyes sparkling with they connect to hers," Hi there Mara." Mara knew what Christian was trying to do and she wasn't going to let him win. "What are doing here sir? Are you stalking me?" Mara raised an eyebrow to be serious ,but she couldn't when Christian was looking at her like that. "Actually, I'm thinking you're stalking me." Mara could hear how playful he was being to her with his smirk in mind. I wonder if he has experience a kiss before. "And why would stalk you?" Christian shrugged," Cause I'm hot." She giggled, Since when did she giggle? " No, You aren't, I'm actually was trying to stalk your best friend actually." Christian didn't take it as a joke tho, his jaw popped out. " Hmmm, Then Maybe Jayla would probably be stalking me." Mara took it as a joke knowing that Jayla wasn't really around with her much. " Maybe , She would." She turned back away not seeing Christian check her out.

After school, Mara knew the routine for everyday; She would wait outside and Christian would pull around. She would get in and they would drive places where her mom wants them to pick up food or they would just hangout with each other with Mara's permission. They would be talking and he would move some of her hair behind her ear like her hair wouldn't bounce back in place. They would be looking in each other's eyes and Christian and Mara would lean in,but then Mara would pull away at last minute. They both wanted to kiss each other, But their minds would later be on winning a prize at the store. Then, It would almost be nighttime and so they would go back home. Christian would kiss her cheek every time then a little closer to Mara's lips. That would an everyday routine until Samantha stood beside her after school today of all days.

Overall, Samantha couldn't do anything to her or they would actually go to jail because Samantha couldn't keep her nasty std hands away from Mara or Meningitis lips to herself. Samantha twirled a piece of hair with a finger. Mara knew she had to wait since Christian had a small football meeting and a soccer practice. "What do you want Samantha?" I turned to her completely to see her already staring at me. " I want Christian to give me my phone back or I'll get my boyfriend's friends on him. Can you ask him for me please since he's your pet?" "He's not a pet or mines anyway." " Oh he's not yours , That's good then since Sandra has a crush on him." Samantha smiled, " Matter of fact, I think she's going over there now to ask him out." Mara was unbothered," Okay and?" " You still are snarky Mara, But that just tells me that you and Christian are still virgins; But don't worry Sandra is going to take care of that." Mara's eyes widen, " You better not be-". " Bye now , Mara." She did a the Queen wave at Mara and a car pulled her just in time beside her, She got in. Samantha rolled down the window, " You really need to get laid Mara. Maybe you'll be just like your father, Never going anywhere in life. Bye bye now." The car screeched away and Mara got her backpack and ran to Christian practice.

Right then and there, Christian and Sandra were kissing and he seemed really really into it.

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