The times have changed

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(Yes, I did that! It's was because I'm lazy and plus someone is waiting on someone so this is for them 🤭🤭😼 Enjoy the story.
Don't be shy, Comment and vote on my story✨✨✨ Have a good one❤️-Author)

 Don't be shy, Comment and vote on my story✨✨✨ Have a good one❤️-Author)

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(I wanted to put this one because I find it kinda funny, but also respectable

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(I wanted to put this one because I find it kinda funny, but also respectable. That's someone should check out this👆🏾. That's all❤️- Author)

(She's truly a Queen👑💕-Author)

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(She's truly a Queen👑💕-Author)

Now, It's time for Junior year and Mara wasn't ready, but she was. She turned Seventeen and now since Christian was eighteen; She was noticing how much Christian changed, but he didn't want his face to be full of hair. Mara almost fell weak in the knees whenever they kiss and Mara became more experienced which was great, yet she's noticing how many people flirt with him and with his sports; He doesn't come over at the house anymore. All Mara does is eat, bathe, and sleep then repeat. Now, she watches from afar and now there is new competition.

A girl named Jasmine and her boy best friend, Adam Mara thinks they both are after her Christian and since Rory left to go to college early and then her other friend left to go to another school. She's alone with Samantha, Jayla, and a dude named J. Now, Her classes are harder and she gaining a little weight, While Christian is getting exercise almost every day. Mara looks in the mirror and sees that weight, but she turned her mirror the other way. She tries exercise and then quits after a while.

What was happening to her ? Why was she so insecure?

After that, It felt like Mara and Christian forgot about each other and it seemed like without question, He hung around Jasmine and Adam with other people who held his same interest. For a second, They got each other's eyes and Mara was the first to look away then feel alone again. She didn't have her friends in school with her and the people who felt like this didn't want to be her friend so why was she feeling this way?

She went her locker and cleaned it out, She decided to not use the locker anymore and when she turned around to see Christian pass by; Her body felt numb and she walked pass him too. She studied all night forgetting to sleep and eat which happened for two more days, Her mind wasn't thinking about food, but about getting straight As then she collapsed in school right before her test. Her mom hugged her and lectured her about mental health and food, Her dad calmed his wife and talked about a small meal before studying. Christian didn't come to visit.

Now, Mara sat at home sighing before doing a quick study over before going to the test. Her dad came in her room to bring her fruit bowl and smiled before tapping his head as if to say: "Think and you got this." As Mara studied, Her mind would cross towards Christian and replay all the times that had shared before junior year started and how he just completely has been ignoring me. Mara wanted to cry, but decided to use brain over crying so she ate her fruit and started studying and doing practice tests for each subject she had.

After a while, Mara would constantly check her phone and think that this was a dream, It suddenly felt like Mara and Christian were too busy or too focused on other things to talk to each other every one in a while. Mara decided to just sleep it off for a while until she had to get back up and work.

Earlier that day, Christian would try and text Mara, but he would get interrupted or just distracted. Her girl named Jasmine was flirting with him while Adam was looking at someone, Mara and Christian felt jealous about the way he was looking, yet kept his mouth shut as they talked. "I wonder if she's good in bed." Adam said eating his lunch as Jasmine and him gossiped. Christian was now curious in the conversation, They both were having and Christian started to move his jaw. "Who?" Christian asked. "I don't know this girl." Christian knew Adam was lying, but decided to just get lunch. He needed to talk with Mara.

The next day, Mara was at her locker even though she didn't use it anymore, She needed something so she wouldn't look like a stalker. The warning bell rang, She turned to see Christian, Jasmine, Adam, and a few others walking and she watched as Christian smiled at Jasmine. Happy. It tore Mara, but she turned back around. "Hey." "Chris- Oh who are you?" A boy with blond hair and green eyes smiled at her, "My name is Adam. What's your name?" Mara felt shy and the way he was looking at her up and down, She used her books to cover her chest;"Mara." He grabbed her hand and started to shake it," Nice to meet you Mara." He wouldn't let go of Mara and she had to use force to yank it away,"Goodbye now." He smiled and waved at her and she hurried to her next class.

Mara would tell Rory everyday about Adam and how he started just talking to her from then on and it almost made her uncomfortable, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Maybe this could be a distraction." Mara was shocked by Rory's words," Distraction?" "Yeah, A distraction from Christian because that's all you can talk about. I think he got over you and plus , Y'all were never really official like that. Maybe he was just using for the time being and you caught feelings and got hurt." Mara was silent as Rory explained the situation. "Don't use use him , just have him as a distraction." Mara thought about what Rory that night and it kept her up at night thinking about it.

"Do you want to go to a party with me?" "Huh?" Mara was leaning against the locker with Adam.It was a free period so you can roam around the school where it's safe and you can't do the nasty with anybody. "Do.You.Want.To.Go.To.A.Party.With.Me? Pretty please." Adam gave her puppy dog eyes and Mara sighed. "Yes, but only as friends." He raised his hands up,"Noted." He put his arm around Mara and Christian noticed then Jasmine smirked. "Is that your girlfriend?" "W-what? No." "Then let's make them jealous." Jasmine pulled Christian towards her and smiled at him.

Everyone was getting their groove on and Mara and Adam were letting loose while Christian watched them and drank. "You having fun?" Chris shouted over the loud music and Mara nodded as they continued to dance. "I'll go get us a drink okay?" "What?" Mara leaned in to try and hear Chris, but from a distance; It looked like Mara kissed Adam and Christian smashed his plastic cup. Chris grabbed Mara's hand and they went to the kitchen to get a drink because some people like to spike the bowl with juice in it. Adam gave her a coke while he had a sprite. Just like Christian, Mara thought and Adam smiled at her. "You wanna go upstairs?" "Sure." Mara wanted to get away from the noise for a little while and they went upstairs.

"So, You're telling me that your dad broke his favorite recorder disc and blamed it on you when you weren't even home." Mara nodded and they laughed together. " It was truly stupid, but My mom knew it was my dad because I was with my mom the entire time so jokes on him." They laughed some
more and then stopped. They looked at each other in the eye and Adam came closer and kissed. Next thing, They were on the bed and Chris took off his shirt.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

Hope you enjoyed-S

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