Stage 10- Sometimes we gotta be responsible for the damage we caused

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       " I'm not jumping with you, Sandra, You're acting crazy."  Christian backed away from Sandra making sure not to trip or bump on anything. " please Christian, I can't live like this. "  We heard sirens. " Then live Sandra and be honest with yourself." The police came and escort us out of there. Sandra told the police and they arrested her parents. Christian went home dreaming of Mara.

When last day of school arrived, Mara didn't want to see Christian at school or anywhere for that matter. Freshmen is coming to an end and Mara just wanted to spend time with her friends and check her grades. Jayla ignored her for the rest of the time and hanged out with Samantha a lot.  Mara missed Jayla a lot, but she just let it be. When she went to her first period, She sat at the back. She could go on her phone so she just put in her headphones and listened to music. She just ignored everyone and just wanted the day to be over.

When she sat in the bench eating fries, She kept her headphones in and just wanted to eat and relax. She had ten messages from Christian and probably more since her phone kept buzzing. She ignored it and threw it away. She walked to the store to see if anything interested her as she was walking. She saw Christian in the distance talking with friends being happy. She did her best to avoid him in the store and when she saw him in an aisle, she almost trip trying to hide. She went to another aisle looking in front of her and behind her. I'm overreacting! Mara thought until she bumped into someone without looking up, She said sorry and turned around. Her wrist was grabbed and she sighed, "Let go of me,Christian."

"Can we talk please?" She rolled her eyes and turned around , showing that she clearly wasn't interested in what he was going to say. "You know I shouldn't be the one to always chase you and have drama with you. You know I love you and you love me. Sandra was going to a tough time and I don't know why,but I helped her by kissing her even tho that seems very wrong. I'm sorry for that Mara and I know with you having me as your only friend when we were in middle school and having trust issues. I should've been more mature and honest with Sandra including you as well. Please, Forgive me because you like my best friend; I've missed you more than you can imagine." As Christian was talking, He slowly grabbed Mara's hand and held her hand making sure they were inlocked and he sure wasn't going to let go. He made sure that his eyes were confident while looking deep into Mara's shy eyes who wanted to pull away and look down at the ground. He made sure that he had her attention and that she was comfortable. He stepped closer to her making sure his vans and her star or converse shoes were together before hugging her. He place his chin on her head and breathed in smelling the coconut and Shea butter in her hair. " I'm not letting go this time." He moved away so he could look at her," I mean it this time and we are going to talk about the principal about Samantha okay?" Mara nodded and he quickly pecked her lips which she was surprised of while he walked away. Her lips were soft and when he turned around, she was her smile which radiated her entire aura. He walked back to his friends biting his lip and blushing.

Mara walked back to her home smiling and laying down on the bed. She kept replaying what happened and smiled while touching her lips. She was in a daze for awhile before her phone buzzed. She went to check and there was an unknown number sending her Instagram link.

Unknown: You should check this out. It might leave you shocked. htt/Instagram/.com

Mara covered her mouth and saw Samantha and Christian doing it, but it almost didn't look like Christian. She covered her mouth and sent the link to Christian asking him if that was him which he replied no. Minutes later, He was at Mara's doorstep and Mara's Mom answered and let him in. He was already in Mara's room. She was startled by him when he suddenly plopped on the bed. " How did you get here so fast?" He shrugged," I was already on the way, I wanted to know if you wanted to Netflix and Chill with anime or whatever you like to watch nowadays until you sent me that link. So, That's my best friend and we decided to dress up as each other to trick Samantha so she'll leave me alone which was two Halloweens ago by the way. Remember you said , You didn't want to go because you were sure Samantha would pee in your cup or something. " Mara nodded now understanding. " See , Look; It's not me." After the video showed of Samantha and (Ryan?- Author). The video showed two seconds of Christian's best friend. " Yeah, He was in love with her until she called out my name. Two years later, He still let her hit you know?" Christian moved a little closer to Mara while explaining about the video. " Like I said.  I wouldn't want to end up like those suckers who are just so in love with Samantha and which is way , She's even in the same grade as us." Mara gagged and shook her head when Christian was about to say something else. " Let's just watch Netflix please."

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