Stage 6-Fear and truth

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After Christian and Mara cuddled through the night, Her mother came in and snapped a picture. She decided to wait a while to wake them up ,but she did wake up Christian so he can put on a shirt. She closed the door and Mara's eyes snapped open. She wiggled her way out of Christian's arms. She headed to the bathroom and she closed the door; Before she did anything, She looked up at the mirror. She didn't look like her self and she leaned in,then touched under her eyes. Baggy. She quietly went out the bathroom and got her clothes then went back to the bathroom and locked it. She turned on the knob and reached her hand to touch the water. It went from cold to warm. She took off her clothes and stepped into the tub.

Christian rolled around the bed and stretched, He felt around the bed to find it empty and cold. He heard the water running and smiled before flopping his head back on the pillow. He heard the door click and turned towards the sound to see Mara there smiling. The air around her in the bathroom sighed beside and the fog on the mirror beside her disappeared. He looked more closely at Mara who was glowing. He saw a sparkle and he almost thought he fell in love. "Hey" Mara said softly with shyness in her voice as she came closer to the bed. "Hi." Christian held his hand out and Mara took it , with both of them staring at each other. He pulled her closer to him, He hugged her taking a whiff of her lotion and perfume. He felt that he could drown in it and he hugged her tighter.

"If you ever need someone, I'm here for you."

Before he fell asleep that night, He visited J:

He parked the car in the empty parking lot seeing a figure further ahead, he marched for this J person. When he reached J, J turned around stretching out his hand ;but Christian didn't take it. Christian kept a straight face as J looked around nervously.

"I'm here to talk, not get buddy buddy with you. Why did you harass Mara?." J rubbed the back of his neck sighing and looking up at Christian," Because I didn't want to Samantha to tell the school about my sexuality." Christian looked confused for a minute and H rolled his eyes. "I'm bisexual!" "Oh....." Christian nodded slowly,"But why would do anything that snake tells you to do."

"Because I love her and I didn't want to get bullied.Its hard enough hiding who I am,but most importantly; I didn't want to lose Samantha. She can be really caring at times and no matter who she's with, she comes back to me you know?" J holds his heart smiling ,"That's kinda why I did,but I promise you that I thought of ways to do plus Isn't Mara the mean Queen?" "What?" Christian was just feeling bad for the guy until he opened up his mouth and started sounding like Samantha. "Look man, I get that love makes you do crazy things;but even things that like have their limits. You shouldn't have tried to touch Mara , more likely do that to her because she didn't deserve that. No one deserves that."

"But she was asking for it like Samantha said."

Christian clenched his jaw and hands," What do you mean there buddy?" He inched a little closer to the semi-short J who looked up even more nervous," Samantha said-" "Enough about Samantha! You have a brain so USE IT. Samantha as you can tell us toxic and Manipulative towards her fellow boyfriends. You're not even the only one."

" Yes, I-I am. You don't know what you're talking about. I love her and she loves me."

"If she loved you , she wouldn't make you do dangerous things. You might wanna talk to her or take a break. Thank you J for you time, Goodbye."

"Christian, You're squeezing me too hard. You gotta let go."

" I would never let you go."

When Christian was little and was still hanging around Mara, Samantha and Sandra cornered him one day when the teacher wasn't looking. "Our moms told us that you were rich, Can you give us some money?" Samantha and Sandra held out their hands towards him, he looked confused and shook his head. Samantha poured and came closer to Christian , Putting her hands on shoulder, " If I give you a kiss, Will you say yes?" Sandra looked shocked at Samantha," Samantha, Maybe he doesn't like girl-" "Shut up Sandra, Today isn't about you." Sandra shut her mouth and Samantha smiled turning back to Christian. He pushed her off of him,"Leave me alone, You're just after my family's money." Samantha started crying and started having hiccups , Sandra knees down and held her by her side hugging her. The teacher came and asked what happened. Samantha pointed at Christian,"H-he pushed me." Christian remembered that he got detention and a slap in the face by his father and a mother who scolded him.

Christian felt alone and held in his fake smile after that because he knew that as he got older and more people found out about his father, They would want to be his friend, but not his actually friend.

That made Christian sad, but he had Mara and he felt really happy after that.

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