The best

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    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARA!!! I can't believe you're sixteen now. My baby is growing up." Mara's mom hugged her and her dad chuckled giving her a kiss on the cheek, " Happy birthday baby girl." They gave Mara gifts like a new journal and clothes. Mara hoped for a car, She didn't want to have to keep asking people for rides even Christian. She ate her chocolate cake and sighed to herself looking out the window until she saw a car that looked new and shiny, Christian got out the car smiling and waving at the window. " Come on out Mara, Let's go see what this is about." Mara got up and smiled, When Christian pointed to the car; " Check this out." Mara and Christian got in the car while Mara's parents smiled at them.

Christian put the keys in the Ignition and the car started up making the car a little. Christian turned to Mara all smiley and excited, " You ready to take this baby on a test drive?" They slapped hands together smiling at each other," Ready whenever you are."(👏🏾 like that you nasties-Author)
He moved the stick to the right pedal and put his hand on the back of Mara's car seat to turn to look at the back window. As soon as he was out of the driveway, They waved at Mara's parents who waved back. They were off at a speed limit on their way to wherever Christian had wanted to surprise her. Mara thought this was what Christian wanted to show, but to get her mind off of it; She missed around with the screen buttons which turned on the air condition and which showed the back side of the car. She looked at Christian who had a small smile on his face, but it wasn't completely showing. She shook her head at him, but still smiled.

When they reached their destination, It was a movie drive-by that was built mostly in the 1950s and mostly where Teenagers would go and kiss most of the time or just watch the movie. Christian went into the back seat and got popcorn, Soda, and candy, " Water in the back just in case." The movie they were watching was a new movie from a trailer they wanted to see, "Wonder Woman 2" ( I know that's a stretch, but think of any good movie expect for the good ones that I've watched in the 80s or scary movies. You think of any scary or normal you want to❤️-Author)

As they sat and watched the movie, The popcorn was out so they wiped their hands and ate the candies next with the half-empty soda. When we finished with movie and the snacks, It was close to the evening and Christian was driving us back. "When do I get to drive?." He put his hand on my thigh, "Hmm, Hold on okay? I have to find an empty parking spot." Mara nodded, but also noticed how his hand never left her thigh and the way she noticed is by him squeezing it after they talked. Mara watched him drive and watched how the sunset matched him and his hair which seemed lighter in the light. He looked back at her smiling and they arrived at the empty space. He parked and gave me the keys.

I was about to get out when he pushed me back in, " No, I'm holding the door for you." He opened the car door and got out of the way, " My lady." Mara just laughed and went around to him opening the door again for her. When she put the keys in the Ignition, Mara was nervous, but also excited. She was more confused on the go and brake and the shape, Christian helped Mara through, but she was more distracted by the way he kinda changed a bit more. His hair was longer , a mustache, and a small beard. As he explained, Mara watched his lips more intensely than before and suddenly an image of her kissing and came into mind; She averted her eyes and stared at the steering wheel. " Did you get all that?" Christian asked with a knowing smirk. " Yeah"Mara responded quietly , hands and eyes on the steering wheel. She felt a little embarrassed.

Christian and Mara were talking, They already got to Mara's house and was just talking about stuff. "Well, Thank you for the new car, I don't know how you did it?" Mara touched his shoulder and his eyes gleamed a little at her, " I asked around." Mara just smiled at him and turned away to open the car door," Well Thank you for this, I had fun and I'll see you tomorrow unless-" when Mara turned around, Christian had already grabbed her face and was kissing her. She didn't know how to react, but still kissed back. She knew she was being a terrible kisser, but she left him be in control for a bit. They pulled around and Mara was in a daze like Christian was. "Christian, You know I'm a terrible kisser." Mara punched him in the chest twice before going for third only for him to stop her," I know, but I'll teach you and then you'll be a pro." Mara was confused for a minute, before he grabbed her and kissed her again even longer until her dad knocked on the glass. They jumped and moved away from each other.

Mara laid on her bed still in a daze from earlier touching her lips, She didn't know Christian was a good kisser like that. She stared at the ceiling replaying what happened over and over again. She sighed and pulled the over her and closed her eyes. She had the greatest birthday ever and the most best surprise that she could ask for.
When she woke up, She started twisting her hair and making sure her hair would be fluffy for tomorrow. She finished twisting and stared at herself in the mirror looking for any changes in her since she's older now and not a baby anymore. This was the second year of school and it was almost over. People were moving in and moving out, Mostly; People wanted to just leave this place and become someone.

What did Mara want?

I hope you enjoyed- S

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