Friends or Acquatinace?

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(I wanted to give her glasses , if anyone is okay with it or not , Let me know ❤️)

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(I wanted to give her glasses , if anyone is okay with it or not , Let me know ❤️)

Third person

Mara Jones would stare at Christian Prez for awhile wondering how they got here. He was on his phone texting away smiling , not even bothered with Mara staring at him. Mara always remembers the day that she met Christian and just how he just made her day with just being blunt and saying things that come out the top of his head.

He's so stupid Mara thought


Mara hide behind her book crying and decided to stay until she got herself together. That's when she heard loud footsteps come in and disturb her crying time.

"Why are you crying? You got dust in your eyes or something?" Christian said.

"No" Mara said wiping her eyes and staring at him,"You aren't suppose to be here."

"Neither are you, Why are you crying anyway?"

"Sandra and her friend, Samatha called a burned chicken nugget and then called me a monkey out of no where after."

"You mean the two snakes with S called you that ; Don't cry because of them. I like burned chicken nuggets ."

Mara scornful ," You're so stupidly funny."

Christian put his hands on his side and posed like a superhero , "Thank you young citizen." And he finally made her giggle and comfortable until she was ready to leave the library.

The next day, Sandra and Samatha screamed in class because there were snakes on their desks with the card

I found your family :)-Christian

Christian got in trouble , but explained why and Sandra and Samatha got a good talking to so it was all good. Christian and Mara have been there with each other after that.

"Hey Mara , What are you thinking about?"

"Our first friendship meeting and ending snakes."

He smiled," And you would think the snakes would change their ways , but no; They just shed their skins."

(Facts on them haters-Author)

Mara laughed a little and nodded her head.

Mara and Christian sat together in Science and Math and they talked when they had the time,but after classes; Christian went with his cliche crew , but not before waving at Mara. She hung out with her other friends who talked about the fair that they planned on going to. Mara had a clean schedule and couldn't wait to get her mind off of work and set down her books for some fun.

"I'm going to try the rollercoaster!"

"Aren't you scared of heights Rory ?" Jayla asked and Rory gave a nervous laugh.

"I'm going to face my fear, Who's with me?" Rory said and Clare raised her hand excited for fun.

"Saturday, Since we don't have plans; We'll go and no one HAVE PLANS UNTIL WE GO TO THE FAIR."

We all agreed and Mara was smiling wide. Christian noticed,He was curious.

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