Friends or Acquatince? Part 3

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Third person

Mara was shocked at what Christian just said .

"Excuse me, Then why-"

"Because you'll be there Mara, You don't really hang out with your friends and I know that I can always talk to you because you're always available when we talk at night."

Was Mara's heart breaking again?

Christian threw away his food and came back to the table, "Are you finished with your food?" Mara passed her food over to him roughly and then she got up from the table in anger.

He watched her go feeling guilty," Where are you going? Don't tell your butthurt at what I said. I'm sorry okay Mara?"

Mara just started walking home forgetting to call Jayla or any of her friends, but no one called her. She guessed that Christian was right, She was just there so she wouldn't feel left out. Mara cried herself to sleep.


Mara Laid in her bed all Sunday thinking about Saturday night

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Mara Laid in her bed all Sunday thinking about Saturday night. She hugged her stuffed bunny and stared at the TV. Christian never changed ; He still said things bluntly without a care in the world. Using his money for fame and popular. Typical and Cliche life. Maybe it was just how he was , he wasn't hurting anyone. Maybe he was right and I was in the wrong to get mad at him. Mara squished her stuffed bunny.

Mara checked her phone, no calls or messages. Mara sighed and got up fixing her hair in twists before going downstairs. Her mom was probably at work, She could hear her dad working in the car in the garage. Mara shook her head knowing that suburban life changed her dad. He was trying to fit in by building his own car while mom worked. Mara walked into the kitchen and started washing the dishes. Maybe it would get her mind off of it . She started cleaning and made pancakes for everyone. She poured the orange juice in the glass and put two pancakes on the plate. She sat down in the dining room table. It was quiet for a moment and Mara looked around , the table was quiet and empty. No silverware was making any sound or laughing, or just conversation;Only her. She started eating.

She stayed in bed for a little while longer staring at the ceiling playing with her twists. She heard her phone buzzed and turned to check it.


She pressed ignore and turned away. The phone kept buzzing for awhile, but she must have fell asleep because someone was playing with her hair. She jolted up , but found that it was her mother smiling at her. "I saw that you fixed breakfast, Thank you honey." She kissed my forehead,"Oh, Christian is here." Her mom closed the door and I heard her downstairs," You can go upstairs now, She's up." Mara got up from the bed and put her hoops on and her lip gloss. Christian wasn't going to catch her feeling down about what he said, she wanted him to feel bad. She untwist her head and picked it out with her pick. She kept her comfy clothes and sat on the bed looking at the Tv. Footsteps can be heard and the the shuffling behind the door. Mara betted that he was hesitant before knocking and then he knocked. "Come in!" She hugged her stuffed bunny and he opened the door. They stared at each other for a while untold Mara broke the silence," You can close the door."

"Oh right." Christian closed the door and for a split second, she saw her mother's head peek around the corner. Christian shut the door and sat on the bed,"This room hasn't changed at all. You still have the stuffed bunny I bought you." Christian was trying to light the mood , but Mara remained stern. She knew she didn't need to get to deep into this, but what he said really hurt and the fact he said so bluntly without any emotions really did something to her. " Do you like Jayla or not?" Mara blurted out. "No, it's just-" " Then , Why'd you lie ? When have you ever lied Christian?" Mara got off the bed trying to create some distance from Christian. Why did he lie about liking Jayla? Was it because he was truly feeling sorry for her? Was it his mission to make feel this way? But what was he trying to make her feel?


Trust issues...... 

What was it?

"I just, I didn't want to hangout with my friends and I just wanted to hangout with you since you know, it's been awhile. I lied to get to you so we can hangout like old times."

Mara couldn't believe what she was hearing,"You could've just asked Christian."

"I know." He moves his hair out of his face and that's when Mara see his blue eyes.

His eyes almost made her forgive him, almost.

"Is that all?" Mara asked walking to the door, but Christian just stared at her.

Christian got up and grabbed Mara's hand and kissed her. When they broke away,

Mara slapped him.

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